Winchester lunchtime chaingang - roll up

themyers Posts: 69

I work in Winchester and try and get out sometimes at lunch for a ride. I have a good 40ish min loop (but not wedded to it) but thought a chaingang may be a bit more entertaining. Be good to get some fast group riding going on - also maybe before and after work too.

I was thinking of once or twice a week?

Let me know if interested.



  • Hey Fella

    I'm just up the road from Winchester but tend to do my riding on weekends. However if you fancy getting together for a spin drop me a PM
    2016 Cube Agree C:62 SLT DISC
    2013 Cayo Evo 3
    2013 Zesty 414
    2002 Avalanche 0.0
    2018 Vitus Substance v2 105 Gravel
  • Hi mate, I dont actually live round here but before and afterwork can be a possibilty - be good to get a group