Farewell Oscar



  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    I remember going to the start of Gent Wevelgem in '07 and he was introduced to the crowd, along with Juan Antonio Flecha, to this tune...

    That recalls many a beer festival I've been to.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    DisgruntledGoat. If you haven't got a copy yet I would recommend the Cycling Anthology just for one essay - it's on Freire and I am sure you will love it. Some things you will know, some things will be new.

    The guy is a heavyweight. Good luck to him in the future.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Thanks FF. Good of you to think of me! That's the 3rd recommendation I've had for that on here, will pick it up on payday.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Contador is the Greatest
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    Somehow Freire and Assos doesn't really work in my head, add those sunglasses and I'm getting some serious cognitive dissonance going on.
    Correlation is not causation.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Agree on both points.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • mm1
    mm1 Posts: 1,063
    jerry3571 wrote:
    andyp wrote:
    A very classy rider who never got the recognition his results deserved.

    I was in Verona in 2004 and it was entertaining to watch the Italian crowd getting ever more animated over the closing laps as they realised what was about to happen. We hardly saw him all race then, with a few hundred metres to go, up he pops.


    Has there ever been a better sprinter with 250+ kms in his legs?

    I was there too on a stag weekend, lots of Volpolicella wine. I remember Freire coming up on stage to a luke warm response from an Italian crowd on the Sunday evening. We were having Pizza next to the Arena and there pops up Oscar.
    I think his first 1999 Worlds win came in Verona and Freire went off early just before the sprint and all the big cheeses were looking at eachother and everyone thinking who the hell was that! Happy days when I had hair. ;)


    I was there too. Can remember standing next to Rik Van Looy (who still looked super fit in his 70's) and getting very pissed after the race. The local were expecting Cunago or Bettini to win, I think.