Bikehike help

tomstickland Posts: 402
edited September 2012 in MTB general
I've just taken a look at
It looks great for what I want.

The help and FAQ talk about a database of saved routes and how you can share your routes etc.
I can see no way of doing this on the website.
It also talks about loggin in. Again I can't see any way of doing this.

Have these features gone?


  • I'm pretty sure the bloke who runs the site was on here a couple of years back talking about how they'd had to disable that feature due to some legal................ complications.

    I do know that you can still plot routes and save them to your computer though, then upload them again next time you want to see them.

    I love bikehike, fantastic tool for plotting routes. The split screen with OS maps makes life much easier.
  • 16mm
    16mm Posts: 545
    Agree with above, I think it's not functional.
  • The guy who runs Bikehike was concerned that he may be the subject of legal action after walkers were using the site to plot and share route across land over which they had no legal access, ie not using permissive Rights Of Way.
    Thus he disabled the route saving feature.