good shop what do a good bike service in leeds

scarthie99 Posts: 209
edited September 2012 in Workshop
my road bike need it 1 year service does any know of good bike shop which does top bike
service in leeds 8)


  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    I do my own servicing so I don't know for sure but you probably won't go far wrong with Woodrups on Kirkstall Road. Or if you want a proper, old style approach there is the relentlessly unflashy Recycle Engineering in Hyde Park (off Cardigan Road) but that's more a steel is real sort of place. Or if you like the purely high endish road oriented sort of shop I daresay Triangle in Horsforth are worth investigating.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • cheers for the info i take to woodups i close for us thanks
  • Winter Road - 2014 Boardman Sport
    MTB - 2012 Canyon Nerve XC 7
    Summer Road - 2012 Cannondale Supersix 105 Liquigas Colours
  • try Kings of Cycling on York Road - not much to look at from the outside, but he did a good job of sevicing my Willier for £30 and will only take 24 hours - I've used woodrups a couple of times and never been impressed