HELLO ....

SMEESH Posts: 4
edited September 2012 in Road beginners
Just signing in to say Hello. Bought myself a Evans special today. A Pinnacle Evaporite Two Carbon Framed and all 105ed up. Need to get ma weight down and get the cardiovascular in order. Being 52 and never actually owned a road bike before or as we called it when a was a wee boy a Racer this is a new dawn ! 8) Used to cycle to ma work on a Halfords special Mountain Bike made out of Russian Tank parts maybe 15 years ago. A round trip of 44 miles so street savy ! Gear change in the break mechanism ? All new stuff to me. Any starting advice will be greatly appreciated and will most probably have a few questions .......... :wink:

Cheers Smeesh........ :wink:


  • Welcome,and would this be the same smeesh from caravan talk ?
  • To those in the know they will always be known as 'racers' :D
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • houndlegs wrote:
    Welcome,and would this be the same smeesh from caravan talk ?

    Might be ! :lol:

    GAS ........ :x