Broken foot, should I upgrade my shoes?

AllezAllezAllez Posts: 207
edited September 2012 in Road general
Hi All,

I broke the 5th metatarsel in my right foot when I twisted my ankle whilst walking. I'm nine weeks in to my recovery and the Dr has cleared me to start road cycling again. I want to take every precaution to stop it happening again and also look after the bone which is healing, so I'm considering buying some more expensive cycling shoes.

Is more expensive always better? I currenly wear DHB on my road bike and Lake clipless off road. I'm a fairly average rider, so I'm not looking for Pro Race equipment, but I would invest in a better pair of shoes if there was a benefit.

Although you don't have high impact when cycling I'm guessing better shoes will be more comfortable and should offer more support to the foot.

Any advice welcome.


  • Hi All,

    I broke the 5th metatarsel in my right foot when I twisted my ankle whilst walking. I'm nine weeks in to my recovery and the Dr has cleared me to start road cycling again. I want to take every precaution to stop it happening again and also look after the bone which is healing, so I'm considering buying some more expensive cycling shoes.
    I did exactly the same thing although not via walking.
    Is more expensive always better?
    I currenly wear DHB on my road bike and Lake clipless off road. I'm a fairly average rider, so I'm not looking for Pro Race equipment, but I would invest in a better pair of shoes if there was a benefit.
    The chances of benefit are slim. Why not try riding in your DHB's a few times? It will probably be uncomfortable anyway and new shoes really won't change that.

    Assuming they were comfortable before the break - theres no reason other than the break itself that comfort would change.
    Although you don't have high impact when cycling I'm guessing better shoes will be more comfortable and should offer more support to the foot.
    That is not a standard rule. Your foot will probably hurt for a while regardless of what brand is on your feet.

    Breaking my foot was the wakeup call I needed that I was at the time obese - Cycling was my recovery and motivation.