Ran over a squirrel...



  • EPTR1
    EPTR1 Posts: 21
    Sheep are most definitely the most stupid and dangerous animals out there, especially on quiet Wales Mountain descends. They just stand in the middle of road and move late, exactly into the direction that will case most pain to the cyclist and to themselves.
  • Do none of you ring your bell to alert the poor animals when approaching?
  • exlaser
    exlaser Posts: 266
    Ed J wrote:
    Went for a quick ride today, was in my own little world coming down a downhill corner when I spotted a squirrel tucked into the side of the road. I slowed to 15 or so mph as I was approaching and sure enough he started to amble back up towards the hedge a foot from the verge. So I released the brakes and started to speed up, unfortunately it was at this point Mr. Squirrel realised he'd forgotten his nuts on the other side of the road so naturally, turned and ran straight back.. under my bike. I won't describe the noise, but that and the sudden bump let me know I'd definitely run the b*gger over. I mean seriously, who else has run a squirrel over on a road bike?! It's just taking the Michael. Obviously I stopped... to check for damage to my bike and the little blighter was no where to be seen.

    I'm sure someone can trump that, so what's the weirdest thing you've ever 'run over' on a bike?

    many years ago, i had the same thing happen to me.

    the only thing is, i did it to a hedgehog!!!!!! :oops:
    Van Nicholas Ventus
    Rose Xeon RS
  • MichaelW
    MichaelW Posts: 2,164
    Indecisive squirrel collision (ISC) is common enough to warrant its own acronym.
    I had an ISC several years ago. The critter went, stopped, went, stopped, turned back, went for it... and ran into the side of my front wheel. It bounced off in a Warner Bros stylee but seemed unharmed. 36 spokes are squirrel-safe.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    I once 'collected' a pheasant as it flew out a hedge and straight into my chest in the middle of a group ride - it was cradled by my arms and flapped around in my face for a bit - I had to brake hard as I was laughing so much as was everyone else.
    Had a couple of near misses with deer as they run across a field and straight across the road - fortunately I'd seen them first. Some deer jumped a hedge and landed in the middle of a Surrey League RR bunch a few years ago - took out a few riders.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • I had an ISC last weekend. Luckily, for both of us, the squirrel decided to stay put and I missed it by about an inch. Any closer and it would have had a paw run over. We've got red ones round here so I'd probably have felt guilty if I had hit it.
    I had a similar incident with a hare a couple of years back, but that easily out-ran me. Apparently they can run at 45mph. I can't without a hill to help.
    Who you gonna believe? Me or your own eyes?
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    I thought today's tob stage on dartmoor was interesting. Being the home of sheep and knowing how they love to wander across the road slowly and in large numbers, was wondering how the peloton would cope ...
  • lemon63
    lemon63 Posts: 253
    Shredded a pigeon in my bike wheel once

    nearly went a over a massive grass snake last week, now if that would have been messy if it had got in the spokes :shock:

    As for squirrels, I've noticed loads fast asleep on the side of the road. Its always the same this time of year, maybe someone's drugged the hazelnuts. :wink:
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    Do we think Ezyrider can get us some graphics of crossed out squirrels/rabbits/snakes/pedestrians for our top tubes?
  • We get quite a few pheasants around here, I would not want to be hit by one of those bar stewards I read somewhere they have one of he highest power to weight ratio's in the animal kingdom.
  • Pheasant dodged out of the way of our group on Saturday, group of 10 of us at 25~mph could have ended badly for it until it ran into the hedge at the last second. Plenty of splattered squirrels and pigeons on the road too, but I presume that was cars!
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    All this talk is making me nervous of being out in the country. I thought it was bad enough dodging motorists, potholes and cow muck but animals as well ...
  • TKF
    TKF Posts: 279
    On one ride I clipped a fox, narrowly avoided a deer (not an old dear) and got hit in the face by a bat (one with wings, not handles). It was late and dark and tbh I was getting worried about running over the hedgehogs that had come out to play.
  • Must be a lot of squirrels who haven't read the Green Cross Code around at the moment - saw about six ex-squirrels on my 50 miles this morning. (Either that, or it was a sponsored 'let's play deadathon' today. BTW, if you find a fresh one (as in recently deceased), they really do make a tasty meal - a bit of a bugger to skin, but the meat's very pleasant.
  • Was out on a ride the other day, looked down having a quick play with the garmin as I looked up just swerved to miss this big object, as I look back it's a full size BULL!!! Which then started to give chase, thanks to that I now have a very reasonable 1mile sprint! And a eater large brown stain in my favourite bibs.... Also had a few birds to the face, pigeons/sparrows!