The Cycle Show - your views

secretsam Posts: 5,120
edited September 2012 in Road beginners
So, first series is over: thoughts:

Score: 6/10 Assessment: a promising start, but needs to focus more and not be distracted by irrelevancies

- Got better as it went on, last show focused on Tour of Britain was good, Stelvio item very interesting
- Longer items worked well, some guests very useful
- More on how to ride rather than "hey, look, a bike and someone riding it" - some missed opportunities
- Too much pandering to trends and some presenters - the blonde female one, eg - utter rubbish
- Needs more 'focus' on certain things - what/who is the show 'for'?
- Certain pieces - eg the one on BMX - told us nothing and focused too much on the presenter
- Rob Hayles/pros useful but where was the knobbly fraternity?
- Cafe location for much of the show was far too "London / Clerkenwell" trendy

It's just a hill. Get over it.


  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    About ten per cent of it was watchable, boring, inane, half-hearted interviews with too many people at once including some nonentities, by a crap interviewer. Stupid race thing at the end. Competely unatmospheric location, they should have had the audience watch the show rather than sit there with studied indifference, drinking lattes. Some misinformation from a shop mechanic. Not very good tv.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • and the presenters boots were shite!
  • dodgy wrote:

    This is the second attempt by the OP, the first got a similar quote and then merged with the cake stop thread.

    TBH i didnt really see much of it but from what I saw didnt make me go out of my way to watch another or set the planner either.
  • Tried to watch a few bits of it on ITV Player and it felt like a metrosexual version of Top Gear.
  • The book woman last night made me switch it off

    errrrm errrrm blah blah errrm errrm

    Can people not hold errrm a conversation without errrrm'ing all the time.

    Specialized FSR XC Comp
    Scott Speedster S55
  • This show wishes it could be half as good as Top Gear!!

    Saying that, maybe for future reference they SHOULD try and make it similar as it is really just a magazine for the TV.

    Things like "Star in a reasonably priced car" could convert to Great cyclists/ personalities cycling round a short course on a Penny Farthing! Could be worth a watch.

    Challenges like Cycling around Arran, JOGLE in 5 days ;-) etc. Even the Stelvio pass was a good section.

    Rather than concentrating on new bikes..unless they offer something really different, why not concentrate on the engine ie US! What's good eating when out on our bikes, better cycling techniques, training tips.

    Short reviews on accessories, Gloves, lights, saddle bags, ruck sacks, tyres, etc. (5 star rating like the gadget show)

    A review of popular cycling routes around the UK, every episode covers a different county etc.

    A piece on cycling clubs covering all forms of cycling, routes they take, the members, costs, what's involved, something like that.

    Just a thought.

    I think the show has great potential, I liked the main presenter, the rest had complete personality failures, no good for TV or anything else for that matter. That needs sorting out!

    That's just my 2 pennies worth.

    Cheers, Michael.
    Mobile Car Valeting

    Mobile Car Valet & Detailing Specialist based in Glasgow.
  • Presenter pees me off, he is having a conversation with a guest and breaks off mid sentence to talk to the camera about something else.

    It was okay, that is all I can say.

    I would like to see them film a local clubs TT, talk to the starters, the people at roundabouts, the slow people and the quick, ask them why etc.
  • stueys
    stueys Posts: 1,332
    Last show was the only vaguely watchable one, shame really. Stelvio was good, the bike review had potential but ended up being lame (no preferred bike????). The format really is easy, review some gear, review some bikes, review some events/races, interview some interesting people in the sport. Job done.
  • It's better now it's an hour.

    That blonde bird is shit.

    Look Mum No Hands is a nice coffee shop, not a great studio. Plus, where they sit to interview people is right next to the bogs. I can't take anyone seriously when they're sat that close to where I've done a dump.

    Gary Fisher and Graeme Obree need their own show, it would be mental.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    dodgy wrote:

    Truly sorry about that, I don't read Cake Stop, sorry and all that, and I did do a search for threads with "The Cycle Show" in the title and it didn't come up.

    Good enough excuse for not being omnipotent?

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • Could be better but hey, it's a start.

    Biggest problem- PRESENTER!! I usually fast forward most of it just 'cos I can't stand his amateur presenting skills & boring, monotone voice! IMO, he is at least 50% of the issue, get rid of him & you've instantly improved the show by half!! :D:D
    B'TWIN Triban 5A
    Ridgeback MX6
  • Ec0
    Ec0 Posts: 24
    I don't think the presenter is bad at all to be honest, its nice to see a show where someone seems genuinely interested in the subject, if he wasn't I doubt he could cycle up Stelvio!

    I liked it for the most part, although I think whoever was in charge could have done a better job overall. Rob Hayles' bits were always interesting and he was a pretty good resource for them. The blonde presenter was pretty terribad and seemed like she was struggling to read stuff from an auto cue for the most part. I mean one episode had 5 mins of her fumbling about trying to learn how to do a 180 on a BMX, I mean if the producer isn't her Dad I'm struggling to think how she got the job.

    The editing was god awful which for me was the biggest downfall. It seemed so blatant when they cut away from the conversation back to announcing the next item that so much was missing it seemed very "kid with movie maker" at times. I mean Eddy Merkx was practically full flow with an answer to a question and as soon as he stops for breath the shot swaps to the presenter in full flow to the camera.

    I think the presenter did a canny job, Hayles was a good addition but I feel the setting in the cafe could have been better (preferred the final episode) and if it focused more on events, kit, injuries and training it could have been not only entertaining, but a resource to the cycling community. The Stelvio segment for me was very good, more along those lines would have been great. The Vuelta was on during some of it and it surely wouldn't have been hard to send someone out to have a chat with some of the riders and maybe show some insight to the teams/fans PoV.

    I'd like to see another season with a few improvements but who would have thought a show like this would have even been considered prior to this year?

    I'd say 5/10 for me. Its a nice step in a good direction but there was an equal share of bad and good points.
  • "Look, a little black squirrel! Weeeeee!"

    Highlight of the series.
  • As per usual, way too London-centric.
  • meursault
    meursault Posts: 1,433
    Thought it was a good show. You are never going to please everyone. I Tivo'd it and fast forwarded through anything non road related.
    Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches them.

  • wheezee
    wheezee Posts: 461
    I thought it showed great promise.

    It wasn't set in my town, and it didn't feature me on my bike, or concentrate on my highly specialized area of interest, but I'm prepared to give it another chance. :roll:
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    And your point is ?
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Found it very boring ,luckly i have sky+ so didnt have to watch the endless waffling .

    To be fair it is difficult to please all areas of riders , a road cycling show is what we all all want with tech advice , race news ,bike/components reviews ( from experts) and route reviews.

    Watch a show while i was in italy which reviewed different climbs in europe now that was interesting.

    Or you could just use this Forum for all the above :D
    last month wilier gt -this month ? bh rc1
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    I read on the Cake Stop thread (handily referenced by another poster, above) that this series was a bit of a rush job, commissioned early due to the success of Wiggo, et al, so it was a bit half-baked. Last show in series was a mahoosive improvement, IMHO, fewer pointless interviews for example or ones that were too short (the one with Mercx was embarrassing, he's a living legend, FFS show the man some respect and give him a proper go). Mark Beaumont one was much, much better, and Ned from the TdF show was also excellent.

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • For the Mercx interview they have put the full interview you tube.