Superstar Grips

Yacoby Posts: 211
edited September 2012 in MTB buying advice
Probably a very stupid question, but having never bought grips before I was wondering if anyone knew if the superstar supergripa grips came with the lockrings?


  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    Yes and a bag a haribo
  • Yacoby
    Yacoby Posts: 211
    Awesome, cheers
  • TownyDC
    TownyDC Posts: 157
    I have a set of these, love 'em to bits, will buy some more once they wear out.
    Haribo's were nice too. :D
  • They wear out very quickly. Haribo is good though
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    They wear out very quickly. Haribo is good though

    how quickly is very quickly though? i've had a pair on my other bike (the excel ones) for over a year and they're fine. and on my ht i ride most i've had a pair on there for 6 months and they're still good, plus they were only 8 quid :lol:
  • The excel grips are a lot longer lasting. The supergrippa grips are quite soft, mine lasted 3 months.
  • the supergrippa ones tend to wear out faster if (like me) you wear gloves on the bike.

    Agree that they're pretty comfy though, and cheap enough to replace every 6 months or so when they wear out. They last about as long as a set of tyres IME. and cost significantly less to replace.
  • Supergrippa are awful, wear in 3 months and are rock solid. Really not comfy.

    Just buy some odi and be done with, last years, look way less fisher price and feel great.
  • benpinnick
    benpinnick Posts: 4,148
    + Potato.

    The latest WTB are nice too. Very grippy!
    A Flock of Birds
    + some other bikes.
  • grenw
    grenw Posts: 803
    Wasn't that struck by the Supergrippas - wore quickly (although for the price of refills you can't complain) and I didn't find them that comfy even with gloves.

    Have taken the plunge and got some Odi X-Trainers. Much comfier and I hope they last long enough to justify the price. Still £12 for the bonus pack (sent in error I think) from CRC made them no dearer than SS....that was until I decided I needed blue lockrings....and the price doubled as you have to buy them separately.
  • I think the ones I have are the excel ones?? Grippy and soft but 3 months and I've flipped them as they have worn out on the edge, I had Lizard skins charger before and they were sticky grippy awesome but a bit thin and crampy on the outskirts of the hands!
    But the superstar ones are dirt cheap and every one loves haribo.!
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • DodgeT
    DodgeT Posts: 2,255
    Used both, supagrippa nice, but wear very quick. Excel, lot better, the size is so much better / comfier (course hand size may matter tho) and several months in are not showing any wear yet.
  • Never had Superstar grips last longer than a couple of months (I do ride a lot though) I use ODI grips now they are a lot better last longer and better feel