
CheshireQQ Posts: 4
edited September 2012 in Road beginners
Hi, this is my first post. I have come back to cycling after a long break due to loss of motivation. I really enjoy cycling on my Claud Butler Strada road bike but my rides are being spoiled by soreness in the groin area (in the crease of my groin; if you know what I mean! I keep myself spotlessly clean and often apply sudocrem on the area before rides. Does anyone else suffes from this type of soreness? I could really do with your help guys because this is seriously preventing me from doing something I really enjoy. Your advice would be much appreciated. QQ


  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    What are you wearing?
    Have you tried different saddles?
  • Endura FS 260 pro bib shorts and No I haven't tried changing my saddle. Do you really think that would make such a difference? If so, got any suggestions? Really appreciate your reply slowbike!
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    MTFU , seriously how long have you been riding for. If you are fairly new it does take some time to harden in the right places.
  • it could just be the saddle, i have just changed mine from the stock one that came with my bike, and the difference is incredible, there is now no pressure on my perineum, where most of my weight was on before.

    the saddle i bought is much harder than my previous one , but i can cope with that , thats not a problem.

    if you think it is the saddle, have a look at the bontrager ones, i am told that the offer a 30 day money back guarantee on all saddles if your not happy
  • I've got the same problem. I've only just started riding, my discomfort is caused by pressure from the saddle. I'm guessing MTFU is my only option!

    I'm just started commuting 50km round trip. On top of the sore arse, my thighs burn, my feet ache and my shoulders don't feel attached, yet I'm still loving it and wish I'd discovered cycling years ago.
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    I've got the same problem. I've only just started riding, my discomfort is caused by pressure from the saddle. I'm guessing MTFU is my only option!

    I'm just started commuting 50km round trip. On top of the sore ars*, my thighs burn, my feet ache and my shoulders don't feel attached, yet I'm still loving it and wish I'd discovered cycling years ago.

    That isn't right - and if you don't sort it will lead to a permanent injury. I would get a pro bike fitting done sooner rather than later.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    NITR8s wrote:
    MTFU , seriously how long have you been riding for. If you are fairly new it does take some time to harden in the right places.

    I'm still on the stock saddle - new last year - it was sore last year and a long ride is still noticeable - but the short rides like a commute is now comfortable ...
    The biggest difference for me was a decent pair of padded undershorts - with nothing between them and my skin.

    Beyond that you're into altering the saddle position (tilt) or changing the saddle - not something I have any experience with sorry!
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    Might not be the saddle at all.

    Ive have been off the bike with ass \ groin pain for well over a year now. Ive done all the shit - core strenghening, stretches, Mri scans, x rays. I had been cycling for well over 20 years when this problem crept in and I went from feeling a twinge - to being unable to sit on the saddle in the space of two weeks.

    One physio made sense of it for me. basically in that area, micro tissue tears occur - and then repair - this is ongoing and you may not even notice it - but long term the micro tears start to heal as scar tissue - this is less flexible than normal tissue - so there come a point when you are on the saddle but everything is so tight - the gliding movement is replaced by grinding - and pain !

    Its only a few weeks since I seen this physio but the stretches and excercise she gave me - have given quite a big improvement so far....fingers crossed !

    One way to check is to sit on you office chair then try to put your head between you knees (leaning forward) - if you feel and unhealtht tightness - then you need to loosen this area up. However a few groin hamstring stretches won't do - and may even make it worse. It needs to be a combination of stretches and strentgh building excercises......

    or it could just be the saddle !
  • I really want to thank you guys for all your advice. I've just switched saddles from my Giant OCR (the bike is knackered) to my CB so I'll be trying it out this weekend. However, I too fear that I may have some little micro tears that become very sore and are extremely uncomfortable. I have used off the shelf hydracortisone (spelled incorrectly!!) which seemed to work for a while but I am now back to square one.

    Incidentally, where can I get some MTFU? I've tried everywhere. Is it a cream or what?!!!! My wifes answer to my problem is that I'm a fat f***** and I need to lose some weight. Maybe she's right.....!