WARNING to Road Cyclists

newjumper Posts: 32
edited September 2012 in Road general
Read this thread , a worrying trend or isolated incidents?

http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topi ... +a+warning!


  • Nothing new, I've been thrown empty cans, apples and once even a rather large stone... these days I prefer to head out early mornings, there seem to be fewer twats in the morning, probably still hangover from the previous night of drugs and alcohol abuses.

    That said, yesterday morning, as I was driving on the M4 I spotted a couple of idiots playing catch up, holding the traffic and generally being very very dangerous... I felt like gaffer-taping them to a chair and malleting my spoke head punch deep inside their eyes... the thought of that form of torture somehow made me feel a lot better... :twisted:
    left the forum March 2023
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    Very rare
  • Not only rare, but things can happen to you when walking, skate boarding, just having a quiet drink in a pub.

    Make sure you get the reg if it ever does happen.
  • Simm0
    Simm0 Posts: 11
    As hard as it is, my advice would be not to get involved with motorists. Take the plate and report them.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Some interesting debates. If we are being advised to be assertive and adopt the primary riding position and motorists are not made aware of it, incidents are going to happen with these morons ...
  • Can't open the pistonheads thread, what is it about? If it's about making your diff go as you pass a bike, then had it done already.
  • Can't open the pistonheads thread, what is it about?

    Passenger leans out of moving car window and tries to push someone off bike as they ride along
  • I was going up shooters hill the other week and some t**t in a little 106 with his mates through an apple at me, hit me on my hip and didn't do much to me but I just don't see why anyone would want to do that? :s
  • I was going up shooters hill the other week and some t**t in a little 106 with his mates through an apple at me, hit me on my hip and didn't do much to me but I just don't see why anyone would want to do that? :s
    They do it because they think it's funny and makes them look hard in front of their mates. Also because they know that in a moving car full of his crew it's unlikely that you can / will do anything about it. It's highly unlikely that the same would occur if they were on their own, walking down the street...
    The disaffected, binge drinking, baseball cap and hoody wearing, drug taking, Xbox generation that we seem to have inherited in the past years really doesn't give a rats ass about anything these days. No job or prospects, governement handouts left right and centre, nothing to do, celebrities and football players as roll models, who can blame 'em ?!
    I however blame Wiggle!
    A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it

    Canyon Aeroad 7.0 summer missile
    Trek 2.1 winter hack
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    This sort of thing happens on our club runs from time to time which is amazing as you'd have thought they might be clever enough that if twenty fit angry cyclists catch up with their car at a traffic light they might be a trifle outnumbered! Still we have a traffic cop in our club now so it will be interesting to see what happens if we get their number now.
    As for riding on my own I just ignore it or turn off or go another way, not worth the grief and hassle anymore. No point being brave and in the right when they have a ton or metal they can drive at you without fear of prison.