Shoulder aches

toastedone Posts: 838
edited September 2012 in MTB general
Since getting my new bike I have been suffering some Shoulder aches, when I had my 456 I had no aches at all but now I am riding the canyon my shoulders ache for days after riding, Could this to be due to narrow bars and longer stem or something else?

Any input would be appreciated.


  • I had a quick look at the pics of your bikes - you could try rolling the bars on your canyon round a bit to make the back sweep come up a bit more, also your brake levers look a tad level? Drop them down a bit so they fall naturally under your hands maybe?

    I'd also measure a few key dimensions between the two bikes to see if you can see where body position is different? A wider bar and shorter stem might help, difficult to tell from the pics alone. You could always borrow the ones of the On One to try them out?
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • Thanks for the input, the pic of the canyon was as it was out of the box so to speak, i have moved brake levers and adjusted bars already, I think I will try a shorter stem first prob 70mm ish.
  • Keep making little adjustments, but it might just be your body isn't used to the different riding position. Keep stretching off after each ride to help you adjust.