Gutted newbie

dcomp Posts: 43
edited September 2012 in Road beginners
I have posted a few times since taking up my new hobby a couple of weeks ago. One of the last topics I started discussed my first 'off'....a 25mph beauty.

Sadly, that was a little under 2 weeks ago and happened on my 4th ride.

Even more sadly, I am still not back in the saddle. The stitches in my elbow are out and the wound healed really well. My knee, however, is still screwed. The wound is nearly healed but whatever damage I've dne inside means I can't bend my knee more than about 20 degrees...and that's on a good day.

My bike has been cleaned and lubed twice. It has shiny new cages and another couple of extras on it. A very kind fellow forum-user has sent me some pedals he no longer uses along with cleats and tomorrow I am going to get first pair of cycling shoes and some more shorts.

Realistically I am at least 10 days away from getting back on the saddle and I have a lot of muscle work to do to get my left leg working again.

Typically, the weather is beautiful and it's driving me bonkers that I can't get out.

I'm sure it's happened to others but right now I feel like the only person not cycling.




  • The weather is lovely these days, hopefully it will hold out until you manage to get back onto the bike. Good luck with the recovery.
  • My sympathies are with you dude!

    Just remember you got a lifetime of good cycling experiences ahead of you, don't rush the comeback and all will be good ;)
  • I feel for you!

    But make sure you get fully fit... or you'll just end up with more injuries and more time off the bike later.
  • :( commiserations. Wishing you a quick recovery.