British Airways Bike Carriage

berliner Posts: 340
Never used them before, about to book. I will only take hand baggage and a bike in a bag. Is it really part of the cost if it's within the weight allowance?


  • daviegb
    daviegb Posts: 126
    here are the terms for taking cycles on BA - it says that if the bag is within weight & size limits, then it's free. Check out how you need to pack the bike. ... blic/en_gb

    Have a great trip.

  • Thanks Gavin

    Thats pretty much how I read it as well, just seemed to good a deal.
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    14 from my club flew with BA to Italy for a sportive in May.
    We all flew from Glasgow to Gatwick and then to Italy.
    1 bike was left in Gatwick but no other issues. A mix of bike bags and boxes.
    Their weight allowances made a difference and like you, I had to read it a couple of times to make sure! :D
  • Took out 6 bikes in bikeboxalan's to France last year between two of us. BA allowed us to take 1 each as standard items of hold luggage and for the other 4 charged them as standard extra luggage. Suprising really when you consider just how much space we'll have taken up with that many!