2011 rockshox revelation rl floodgate tuning

squayle Posts: 4
edited October 2012 in MTB workshop & tech
I recently noticed that my 2011 rockshox rl dual air forks still have approx 10-15mm of travel even when locked out. On looking into it it seems as though this might have something to do with the motion control and the floodgate adjustment. There is a cap on the top of the drive side fork etched with 'Gate. 2.5' which I can remove and insert a 2.5mm alan key but my query is which way do I turn it to firm up the travel when locked out?

I have honestly been scouring the net and forums and can't find anything that helps. It seems to soften up the travel if I turn it anti clockwise but when I turn it clockwise it only seems to ever firm it up to the point that there is still 10-15mm travel even when locked out.

Also there doesn't seem to be a stop when turning (I.e. if I keep turning clockwise will it hit a maximum number of turns before being as firm as possible. Just worried I will over turn and damage something as I have never taken a set of forks apart before.

Any help or guidance would be much appreciated.



  • the floodgate is like low speed compression adjustment and can be used like that so you can run the fork softer air wise in the spring to keep it supple but stop it from diving.
    Some RS have an external dial for that. Even when fully locked its designed to sag slightly to help keep traction on climbs etc.
  • warpcow
    warpcow Posts: 1,448
    RS forks will never fully lock. About 10mm of travel is normal. Turning the floodgate clockwise makes it harder when 'locked', but it should come to a stop. IIRC I can get about 3 full revolutions on mine.
  • I turned mine too far and broke it. So don't turn it any further than slight resistance! I was expecting it to stop turning when it reached its limit but it didn't, it just went straight through the detent..
  • Thanks guys that's great, certainly good to have peace of mind.

    I've got a good 10 full revolutions on the Alan key under the gate dust cap and still didn't hit a stop, but won't mess with it anymore if 10mm is pretty standard when locked.

    Thanks for all the help!!
  • benpinnick
    benpinnick Posts: 4,148
    Rockshox definitely has the lockout right. Who would want to turn a fork totally rigid? I makes no sense to me. Even on a road that 10mm or so is good to have, just takes to edge off without any real compromise in speed. Also, the FG works really well, as I have discovered a few times when forgetting to take the lockout off!
    A Flock of Birds
    + some other bikes.
  • You are absolutely right, I've just not paid much attention to travel when locked out before. Just rode to work today completely locked out, but then still had a good 50mm travel from bumping over kurbs etc.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    The forks are supposed to move 10-20mm when locked - says this in the manual.
  • grubby
    grubby Posts: 214
    I have just purchased a bike with the same 2011 Rev RL forks and the lockout doesn't seem to do anything at all. I have sag at around 30mm. But when locked out under braking, the forks are diving to 60-70mm. This is exactly the same as when the forks are not locked out. Floodgate is clockwise as far as it will go without forcing.
    Any help would be great. Thanks.
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    Turn the floodgate the other way and test it.
  • grubby
    grubby Posts: 214
    Still exactly the same.
  • warpcow
    warpcow Posts: 1,448
    Is it remote or leg-top lockout? If remote, try playing with the cable tension.
  • grubby
    grubby Posts: 214
    It's manual lockout.
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    Looks like it needs serviced then. If all the info given is correct.