how often for general fitness

mark s
mark s Posts: 14
edited September 2012 in Road beginners
im looking to just increase general fitness to complement the 4 times a week i do in the gym.i wont be aiming to compete or anything like that.
i live in leek so flat riding is not really an option

what would be an ideal frequency of rides and milage?



  • For general fitness frequent short rides is better than unfrequent and long rides... I'd say in your area 15-20 miles as often as you can... then if you get the bug you'll be in the Goyt valley every other day...
    left the forum March 2023
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Leek hey..? usually riders tend to have a penchant for hills.
    I'd go towrds Rudyard.. the thought of getting up Ladderedge every ride....
    anyways is the bike setup to give you easier gearing..?
    compact for instance?
    An hours worth of riding should you do you right.
    Do leek cc still meet up at Den Engel?
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Leek eh? Ride to Ashbourne & back three times a week down the 523 / 52. That should see your fitness levels rise.

    Riding harder for longer seems to make most of us able to ride harder for longer. Get used to doing 20 miles and 10 becomes trivial; then 50 milers make 30 a doddle etc. Unless you have a firm training plan in mind I'd just ride further at a faster pace until riding a decent distance at a decent speed is no big issue to you.
  • cheers for that
    yep sunny leek,i will do the ashbourne route one night.maybe off the main road a little.ive got a little circuit going past the abbey to the lazy trout then up a short but hard climb on to the road under the roaches and back round to home.shall keep timing that for a couple of weeks then find one a tad longer.
    not sure if the still meet at the den angel.