Silly Commuter Games People Play

jonny_trousers Posts: 3,588
edited September 2012 in Commuting chat
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has created games to entertain myself with while riding. There's Say Cheese!, which I play when riding across Waterloo Bridge whenever I pass a tourist about to take a snap of the incredible view across the road. It's simple really and involves offering a cheesy grin as you're passing by in the hope that they hit the shutter button at that exact moment.

Then there's Hotty-Jogger-Swap-Shop that I was playing while doing laps of Regent's Park this evening. The idea is, you'll ultimately get to shag the last jogger you select. The game begins with you having the first one you see - of whichever sex you're into - selected for you and you can swap them any time you see another jogger, whenever you like. You cannot go back to one you've previously rejected, however. Tonight I ended up with a right stunner (NB. this is just a fantasy game and participants do not actually get to shag their chosen hottie-jogger. Well, not without their permission first, at least).

I did used to play a game that involved hunting down a chosen cyclist target in the distance and then 'opening fire' on them by using the bobbly bits on my ergos as triggers as I drew close, but that's far too childish and so I - er - don't play that one anymore... much.

Anyway, do share yours.


  • Jonny. You've lost your trousers.

  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    I do the try and be in the tourists photo when going over London bridge, I must be in loads with a cheesey smile on my face in the background
  • mtb-idle
    mtb-idle Posts: 2,179
    yup ~I do it over Tower Bridge. I actually had a woman scowl at me once and say I had ruined the shot (slow moving traffic).

    Get a grip luv, it's a digital camera innit!

    Edit: Just re-read that. I was in slow moving traffic hence got to hear her rather than she was taking a photo of slow moving traffic
    FCN = 4