My first off

Joeblack Posts: 829
edited September 2012 in Road beginners
Had a off today
One plays football, tennis or golf, one does not play at cycling


  • haf1zur
    haf1zur Posts: 124
    Had my first off today, not nice, just swapped flat pedals for spd pedals, gust of wind and fell on to 3 people, they were pretty nice about it though. Luckily i wasn't going fast

    Couple of bruises and cuts but got on the bike and kept on pedaling
  • That's a classic, I wonder how many of us have done that. It's a typical bloke thing to fit the pedals, cleats, set off without any idea how they work and fall over.

    I was lucky I first tested clipless pedals around my parents large garden, many years ago and yes went straight over when I could 'pull' my feet out :oops: Never had it happen on the road forunately
  • I almost had an off twice today.

    Came down a country lane doing about 35mph, went round a corner and there was a ton of gravel in the middle of the road so i just hung on for dear life and hoped I wouldn't slide into the hedge. Luckily the bike hung on and I just cycled away.

    Then...further up this same road I came upto a section on the flat with gravel totally across it, didn't realise this until it was too late and had to jump off the bike half-skidding on the gravel and use my other arm to stop the bike going on the ground...I managed it, so it was fine, but it was a bit of a shock to say the least!
  • DavidJB
    DavidJB Posts: 2,019
    BlakeysFC wrote:
    I almost had an off twice today.

    Came down a country lane doing about 35mph, went round a corner and there was a ton of gravel in the middle of the road so i just hung on for dear life and hoped I wouldn't slide into the hedge. Luckily the bike hung on and I just cycled away.

    Then...further up this same road I came upto a section on the flat with gravel totally across it, didn't realise this until it was too late and had to jump off the bike half-skidding on the gravel and use my other arm to stop the bike going on the ground...I managed it, so it was fine, but it was a bit of a shock to say the least!

    You should take care on roads you don't know...i.e not doing 35mph round a corner.