New member (with a rather embarrassing question)

Baxter-Smythe Posts: 65
edited September 2012 in Road beginners
My name is Rick from West Sussex, I've taken up cycling to try to get fitter as I am 50 next year (quit the fags back in February)

So here is my dilema, on 2 occasions recently I have had my rides spolied by getting caught short ie : need a crap big time ! this may sound crazy and of course went before I left but the vigourous excersise seem to speed everything up so I have to go again, now sure I could have jumped behind a bush or somthing but there must be another way of countering this problem, the last time was last week and I was 20 miles out and had to turn back the pain was pretty full on and ofc when you are concentrating on not crapping yourself you cant focus on the ride.

I have a Scott CR1 team full carbon and I'm heading for my first Sportive next week any advice is appreciated

Thanks everyone


  • 16mm
    16mm Posts: 545
    My name is Rick from West Sussex, I've taken up cycling to try to get fitter as I am 50 next year (quit the fags back in February)

    So here is my dilema, on 2 occasions recently I have had my rides spolied by getting caught short ie : need a crap big time ! this may sound crazy and of course went before I left but the vigourous excersise seem to speed everything up so I have to go again, now sure I could have jumped behind a bush or somthing but there must be another way of countering this problem, the last time was last week and I was 20 miles out and had to turn back the pain was pretty full on and ofc when you are concentrating on not crapping yourself you cant focus on the ride.

    I have a Scott CR1 team full carbon and I'm heading for my first Sportive next week any advice is appreciated

    Thanks everyone

    Plan a route past cafes? Most Garden Centres have cafes that are open sundays, although you may have to leave bike and walk a bit.

    Is it what you are eating and drinking on the ride?
  • Laxative the evening before. Just don't make it an everyday habit. :roll:
    I may be a minority of one but that doesn't prevent me from being right.
  • As far as eating / drinking on the ride, I take flapjacks and use breakfast bars before I leave, in the drinks bottle on the day I had orange squash (Kia Ora) but I usually use Ribena with a glucose tablet disolved in it, the laxative my become an option if this gets to be a real problem .
  • snowjho
    snowjho Posts: 108
    My name is Rick from West Sussex, I've taken up cycling to try to get fitter as I am 50 next year (quit the fags back in February)

    So here is my dilema, on 2 occasions recently I have had my rides spolied by getting caught short ie : need a crap big time ! this may sound crazy and of course went before I left but the vigourous excersise seem to speed everything up so I have to go again, now sure I could have jumped behind a bush or somthing but there must be another way of countering this problem, the last time was last week and I was 20 miles out and had to turn back the pain was pretty full on and ofc when you are concentrating on not crapping yourself you cant focus on the ride.

    I have a Scott CR1 team full carbon and I'm heading for my first Sportive next week any advice is appreciated

    Thanks everyone

    I like how you included what bike you have like it could be part of the cause. I'm secretly hoping someone else replies with "I've got the same bike and it makes me need a poo too!"

    In serious advice I think you've got to look at eating habits before riding, what time, what your eating also how late after eating your going riding.
  • What are you eating the day/night and morning before a ride?
  • Usually cereal with toast and a cuppa nothing more, and the previous night would have been a normal meal.
    I guess as I am becoming a little fitter this kind of thing will change as cool as it would be to get up have breakfast get ready, crap to order, go for a ride, its not gonna happen just yet.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,554
    reminded me of this...
    As the name domestique implies, the relationship between star and two-wheeled helper was feudal. Colin Lewis had a brand new cotton racing cap with Great Britain on it, of which he was very proud. Riding along one day, Simpson asked him for the hat, and Lewis asked why. Simpson replied: “I want to have a shit* in it.”

    *the br censorware has substituted 'oo' for 'i'

    as others say, cafe stops - carry a lightweight lock and ask other customers to keep an eye on the bike - plus it's a good excuse for an espresso

    also, increase the amount of fibre in your diet, it can help with regularity
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • I am 50 next year also and like you have bottom problems.I say problems,it is merely that i go at least three times a day,and if i have had a drink the night before i can go four,five or even six times in one day.

    If i dont drink then i am fine in the mornings,i just need the one visit and then again at around tea time and i`ll squeeze another one out before bedtime.

    For me it is down to eating or drinking,but at least i know it and have just got used to it.I wish it was different but it aint.

    Found this hard to write as i have been laughing my chugs off while doing it.

    Must dash,got to hit the porcelain again. :mrgreen:
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • I am glad I had finished my cake before I read that last post.

    You have more shits in a day than I have in a week. Unless I've had Caffrey's.

    Roughage, young man, that's what you need.
    Saw a sign on a restaurant that said Breakfast, any time -- so I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance.
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    And let's not forget, changes in bowel habit need to be checked out. :!:
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • Your diet may be an issue..

    some energy products can also be hard on your stomach (lucozade gives me bad wind)

    Its all about finding a routine and diet that works for you.. so try different things and see how it goes.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    Fibre helps to slow down the digestive system, helping you go less often and regularly, so like sungod said, increase the fibre in your diet.
  • If you are well, just go and crap, plenty of hedges to hide behind in Sussex (I know because I have been and had a pee but not a crap)
    Don't enter a 100 mile Time Trial yet :lol:
  • I have had my mulitiple poo`s for a few years now so i doubt it is anything to worry about,even my doctor said so.It is just annoying that i go so often.I just make sure i dont go anywhere before i have dropped a couple before hand. :mrgreen:
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • Well what an ice breaker !
    I promise my next post will not be about getting caght needing a "Robocrap" (ref Viz magazine, you have 20 seconds to comply)
    Ok well I have just completed almost the same ride without any issues but clearly as my excersise habbits change, it seems I will need to change my diet to include more fiber etc and maybe pack some bog roll just in case !
    maybe we'll leave it there ok chaps ?
  • DF33
    DF33 Posts: 732
    Davdandy wrote:
    I am 50 next year also and like you have bottom problems.I say problems,it is merely that i go at least three times a day,and if i have had a drink the night before i can go four,five or even six times in one day.

    If i dont drink then i am fine in the mornings,i just need the one visit and then again at around tea time and i`ll squeeze another one out before bedtime.

  • Think it's something to do with blood being taken from the bowels and prioritised for the heart/lungs whilst excersizing that causes the need to go.
    I suffered at first to the point of keeping some toilet roll in food bags in my saddlebag. Although luckily I've never had to use it. As long as I go before a ride I'm fine nowadays.

    I still find I get wind whilst on the big rides but I put that down to my body creating its own natural propulsion system.(also deters wheel drafters getting to close)
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    more fibre

    more water

    less meat
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • team47b wrote:
    more fibre

    more water

    less meat

    Very true but you must admit wind does have its advantages. :lol:

    Oh,and for the record i have just completed my fourth poo today. :mrgreen:
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • So, gym dick is going to be your second post then eh?
    I may be a minority of one but that doesn't prevent me from being right.
  • Davdandy wrote:
    team47b wrote:
    more fibre

    more water

    less meat

    Very true but you must admit wind does have its advantages. :lol:

    Oh,and for the record i have just completed my fourth poo today. :mrgreen:

    Well taken Sir!