video cameras

craig t
craig t Posts: 21
edited September 2012 in MTB general
How and where do you fit your vid cameras. I have a little muvi style one but can't seam to find a siutable way to mount it so there's not too much vibration?



  • jairaj
    jairaj Posts: 3,009
    I don't think there are any bike specific mounts for the muvi.

    Most people have just improvised something by using cable ties, velcro, gaffer tape etc ...

    Use your imagination you'll come up with something.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    The helmet tends to be the most stable place for a camera, but it's not a great view. Handlebars are by far the worst. You could try to the chest strap of your backpack... and gaffa tape is your friend ;)
  • sdalby
    sdalby Posts: 139
    You can buy all sorts of mounts for the Muvi. I improvised up until they produced official mounts, now I use the chest mount. All available from their website.
    Never put off until tomorrow something that you can do today. 'Cause if you do it today, and like it, the you can do it again tomorrow!!
  • Yeah seen the accessary pack think i might get that,Tried it on the helmet and not kean on that so will have a play on the backpack straps.