Strava hero (or villain)

Reane_Machine Posts: 178
edited August 2012 in Road general
Logged a ride on Strava a couple of days ago, it's the usual commute but noticed this guy sitting at the top:

Now this seems strange, the guy in second does it in 4:28 AVS 16.2 km/h, then the KOM has completed it in 1:09 with an AVS of 62.9km/h.

On a Cat4 climb seems lightening quick, just wondered if this is actually real or if he's gone up the bump with the sat nav in his car? Anyway to tell?

I'm in 4th with a time of 5:15 so I'm a way off KOM yet.

But all the same, I want to aim for KOM and 4:28 seems much more reasonable that 1:09!
Hills are like half life - they wait until you're 50% recovered from one before hitting you in the face with the next.


  • paulus69
    paulus69 Posts: 160
    Recon he's in a car!
    Me on Strava
    My cycling blog
    Specialized Secteur 2012 / Carrera Vulcan v-spec
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
  • Seems pretty nailed on obvious he's in a vehicle.

    Just wasn't sure if he was a pro passing through or something.

    So, next step is getting that KOM removed, how do I go about that?
    Hills are like half life - they wait until you're 50% recovered from one before hitting you in the face with the next.
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    Go to the segment page. Look for the false KOM. Click the date of the ride which will bring up the ride which generated the false KOM. On the right side there is an 'Actions' button. Click this and amongst other things there is the option to 'flag' the ride. Follow the ensuing instructions and the bogus KOM will be removed and subject to review.
  • saprkzz
    saprkzz Posts: 592
    I just logged into strava and it shows him going up at 19.8mph ave, maybe his 1minute run has been removed already?
  • Yep just flagged it.

    One more step towards that fabled KOM... mwahaha!
    Hills are like half life - they wait until you're 50% recovered from one before hitting you in the face with the next.