One full week off & a great ride today

♠ChumBucket♠ Posts: 388
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Been cycling since April & did my longest solo (all mine are solo :D ) ride last Sunday of 50 odd miles, a route with some real hills in it & I still managed an average of 15.6mph, I'm on a mountain bike too!

Anyhow, for the first time, on that ride I could REALY feel my legs weakening over the last 8 miles or so. I normally have 2 mid-week rides of approx 17 miles each but this week I haven't had the chance to get out so it's a full week with no riding & if I'm being totally honest I think I actually needed it after that 50 odd miler.

Went out this morning for 26 miles & felt strong as an ox!!! Man-pistons pumping away like a fiddler's elbow! Didn't suffer from my usual 6 mile warming up period or anything either!

So, is a short break from riding a good thing every so often?
B'TWIN Triban 5A
Ridgeback MX6


  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    I have been thinking about this a lot lately, and I can definitively say that for me, a lack of mid-week rides significantly hamper my weekend performance.

    OK, maybe not "significantly", but there is a noticeable difference in perceived effort, average speed and most noticeably heart rate on my long weekend rides when I havent been out during the week.

    Hence, I always try to get in at least one good turbo-recovery ride in zone one, and a 20 mile leg stretcher on Tuesday & Thursdays. Alternatively I do a long ride on my Wednesday afternoon half day. Either way, I find I need something.
  • pinarellokid
    pinarellokid Posts: 1,208
    just spent the week off from riding in Anglesey and came back today and did i 30 miler

    still same time to complete just, but a little slower average speed,,

    but i suffered all the way round,, found it really tough going,,

    guess i need the midweeks too
    Specialized S Works SL2 . Campagnolo Record 11spd. rolling on Campag Zonda wheels
  • saprkzz
    saprkzz Posts: 592
    In training programs you can find on the internet etc.. when hard training they say every 12 weeks take a 5 day break to let you body recover. I go from 6 days to 3 days, and this seems enough to give me ole legs their strength back.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    ive just done a lot of miles on holiday in the new forest and am looking for a few days rest, tapering towards next sportive. listen to your body, everyone is different
  • i can only ride every other week due to being on call an i feel i struggle again at the beginning of my week i can ride perhaps ill try do more on the turbo when im at home even if it is 5 minutes or an hour.
    Scott speedster 20 compact 2013
    Claud butler san remo 2012
  • nickellis
    nickellis Posts: 239
    I've just had a enforced 10 day break due to a dreadful throat infection, been on soup and bread because I couldn't open my mouth more that 10mm. Anyway I've lost at least 3kg as a side effect, and I'm expecting tomorrows commute to work to be epically fast because of the lower weight and replenished legs.
    Trek 1.1c (2012) - For commuting
    Trek Madone 5.5c (2010) - For pleasure ... G_0413.jpg