Dry Bag for Mobile Phone

buckmulligan Posts: 1,031
edited September 2012 in Road buying advice

When I'm out on the bike I like to take a mobile phone in case of serious injury/death, but this afternoon I had a rather harrowing experience in which I had to ride a good 4 hours in the rain worrying about my poor Galaxy S2 getting soaked in my jersey pocket! Thankfully it seems ok, so I want to invest in a drybag for such occasions. Just want something to stuff it in and not worry about, obviously as slim and light as possible so it's not too bulky in my jersey pocket.

I don't want to go down the sandwich bag or clingfilm route, because firstly it's a bit shonky and secondly they're not very durable so I'd probably be replacing it every ride to make sure there's no holes in it. Nor do I really want it bouncing around in my saddle bag (which isn't very waterproof as it is!).

Any recommendations or solutions? Many thanks. 8)


  • lakeland
    lakeland Posts: 76
    http://store.aquapac.net/explore-produc ... cases.html

    Thes seem to get good reviews, you could always get a slip in phone case and a waterproof saddlebag. I've just got one from wiggle but the make passes me, it's essentially a dry bag wrapped around a plastic case so I can't think water would ever get in.
  • lakeland
    lakeland Posts: 76
    Here you go: http://www.wiggle.co.uk/topeak-wedge-dr ... lip-small/

    I got the medium but it's a bit big really, the small would have been a better fit for a road bike.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    My ikea ziploc bag is the dogs doodahs. Sturdy. But I also have one of these for kayaking

    - http://www.ewetsuits.com/acatalog/Dry-B ... layer.html
  • d4evr
    d4evr Posts: 293
    Sandwich bag from Tesco, 2 flaps for 100!!
  • baldwin471
    baldwin471 Posts: 366
    Just get a saddle bag. Topeak Medium ones are about £12 and last for ages. Phone, keys, tools, tubes etc all fit in and only weighs around 100g
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    d4evr wrote:
    Sandwich bag from Tesco, 2 flaps for 100!!

    +1, I've used them for years through all weather conditions and i can't fault them. I use the sealable ones, 1 for the phone and one for the flapjack.
  • arlowood
    arlowood Posts: 2,561
    Topeak Tribag All Weather

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Topeak-TriBag-A ... 808&sr=8-4

    Sits on top tube and can also carry energy bars, gels and loose change if needed.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Rapha Essentials Bag
  • buckmulligan
    buckmulligan Posts: 1,031
    For what it's worth, I purchased an Exped Crush drybag in the end:

    http://www.exped.com/exped/web/exped_ho ... endocument

    Very neat and tidy, the 3XS size is the perfect size for a smart phone (almost made to measure for a Galaxy S2, so should fit iPhones and the like), has a removable thin foam inner liner to protect it against knocks and weighs less than 50g.

    Very happy!
  • broona
    broona Posts: 414
    For what it's worth, I purchased an Exped Crush drybag in the end:

    http://www.exped.com/exped/web/exped_ho ... endocument

    Very neat and tidy, the 3XS size is the perfect size for a smart phone (almost made to measure for a Galaxy S2, so should fit iPhones and the like), has a removable thin foam inner liner to protect it against knocks and weighs less than 50g.

    Very happy!

    Where did you get it from please? Been looking for something similar for my SGS2, and that looks perfect.
  • buckmulligan
    buckmulligan Posts: 1,031
    I got it from eBay, but I think the same company are listing it on Amazon as well if you'd prefer:

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/EXPED-CRUSH-D ... 4d046e96de

    The one pictured is a 2XS, the 3XS supplied is actually a lot smaller than that, like the picture of the orange one in the original link. £9.99 posted, which is more expensive than a box of sandwich bags, but a lot more trustworthy IMO!

    Note it does come with some stupid velcro strap on the back for attaching it to your belt or whatever, but I just chopped it off with some nail scissors since it's useless. Doesn't affect the waterproofing since the seams are taped inside.
  • Crankbrother
    Crankbrother Posts: 1,695
    ShutUpLegs wrote:
    Rapha Essentials Bag

    +1 ... Easily one of tne best cycling purchases I have made ...

    I also carry an iPhone sized ziplock bag just in case it gets torrential ...
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    I slip my Phone and debit card into a small ziplock bag -> Just pick some up at Tesco and when it wears down a bit you've got another 99 to go through.

    ShutUpLegs wrote:
    Rapha Essentials Bag

    can't tell if trolling or not?

    I know there is a place for Rapha.. and I'd wear the clothes if I could afford them.. but £40 for a ladies purse to put your phone in is taking the biscuit... I'll go down to TK maxx and get one for £5 and write 'Rapha' on it with a sharpie.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    My 2p's worth - a small ziploc food bag? About ...2p

    +1.... I think the OP is way overthinking this subject. I mean a ziploc bag will last for quite a while if you're concerned about expense. Spending 2p's is not even pocket change and most of all ziploc's work. :roll:
  • d4evr
    d4evr Posts: 293
    I've often had my phone (currently a Samsung Galaxy S3) in 2 ziplock sandwich bags, one inside another and been caught in very heavy rain more times than I can remember. If it works here in Scotland it will work anywhere, above sea level that is! :wink:
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    While I think nothing on forking out £200 on a decent pair of shorts or jacket there is not really any need for a Rapha wallet - unless you really want to :lol:

    I put my samrt phone, money and card in the pouch supplied with my Oakley glasses and then stick it in a sandwich/freezer bag. Also live in Scotland and have been caught in so many downpours(sometimes all day :x ) and never had any hassles.
    Brian B.
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    d4evr wrote:
    Sandwich bag from Tesco, 2 flaps for 100!!

    +1 I get the ones with a sliding 'zip', each one lasts about 20 rides.
  • I use one of those neoprene freebies that come with the mags occasionally and if its bucketing down I stick it in a sandwich bag as well. Seen me through several scottish summers ridng 2/3 hours at a time with never a leak.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    I slip my Phone and debit card into a small ziplock bag -> Just pick some up at Tesco and when it wears down a bit you've got another 99 to go through.

    ShutUpLegs wrote:
    Rapha Essentials Bag

    can't tell if trolling or not?

    I know there is a place for Rapha.. and I'd wear the clothes if I could afford them.. but £40 for a ladies purse to put your phone in is taking the biscuit... I'll go down to TK maxx and get one for £5 and write 'Rapha' on it with a sharpie.

    My wallet cost £50, what's the difference ?
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    I wrap mine in cling film. When I had a touchscreen I discovered it still worked through the cling film - sound wasn't so good though.

    Now I have a crackberry and it sort of works.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    MattC59 wrote:
    I slip my Phone and debit card into a small ziplock bag -> Just pick some up at Tesco and when it wears down a bit you've got another 99 to go through.

    ShutUpLegs wrote:
    Rapha Essentials Bag

    can't tell if trolling or not?

    I know there is a place for Rapha.. and I'd wear the clothes if I could afford them.. but £40 for a ladies purse to put your phone in is taking the biscuit... I'll go down to TK maxx and get one for £5 and write 'Rapha' on it with a sharpie.

    My wallet cost £50, what's the difference ?

    I'll respect you for having a nice wallet.. and think you're odd if you carry your Cards and ID round in a ziplock bag

    Its the other way round for the Rapha purse though :wink: (actually I won't think you're odd if you've got one.. will probably just be jealous of your vastly deep pockets.)

    I can see its place as a gift for the MAMIL who has everything though.. if only dad was a roadie I'd have sorted his Christmas present already.
  • Re. Tne essentials case ... I guess it depends on your thought process and/or priorities ... As the previous poster said, he paid £50 for a wallet ... Now a sandwich bag would hold money and a couple of cards, but no-one is gonna mock him for having a wallet, no?

    The OP asked for suggestions and he's getting a broad spectrum of responses ...

    fwiw, and as i mentioned in an earlier post, I use both a ziplock bag and rapha case ... The case is really there to keep some emergency coins, bank card and my keys safe ... If I have all my valuables in one place I know where they are ...

    Saying that I do carry a man-bag everywhere I go when off the bike ... Bit better than a Sainsburys bag ... and yes, one of them is a R***a one ...
  • d4evr
    d4evr Posts: 293
    Manbag?!!! Is that like a Haversack? :shock: :wink:
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Like this ? :lol:

    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Gotta be honest, Wednesday past in Edinbirgh my 'haversack' was that colour ...
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    MattC59 wrote:
    Like this ? :lol:


    Nice. :lol::lol:
  • MattC59 wrote:
    Like this ? :lol:


    where's his casquette?
  • To get back on topic (for anyone that's interested!) this is the dry bag I bought for my smart phone. Yeah a box of plastic ziplock food bags may done the job for half the price, but I prefer something a bit more permanent and reliable. When I'm completely soaked through and a long way from home, the last thing I want to do is be worrying about my phone in some shonky ziploc. £10 is a bit pricy for what it is, but I'm happy with it nonetheless.
