Hello from Bedfordshire!

Syd_65 Posts: 21
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Hi to all on the forum from a 47 year old born again cyclist (been a runner but have increasingly had tendon trouble)!
Been out on the bike today...more specifically the first time out on a bicycle in about 31 years!
I've been lusting after an Allez Elite for some time now and pulled the trigger last week, but not managed to get out until today...I told myself I first needed to make sure I'd got a spare tube, puncture patches, multitool and a pump first, all of which have been gathered during the week.
I last rode a bike as a lad in the seventies, a BSA 5 gear steel racer which was ok in its day, and it appears a good teacher. Used to go everywhere on that bike as parents were generally less accomodating with lifts and such back then :)
So long story short, I mapped out a 10 mile loop on Bikehike with a few hills, nothing too major, but enough to be interesting and set off.
Apart from a couple of forced pauses at some roadworks, I didn't need to stop, and completed my circuit. Not bad for a first ride I reckon, and I'd completely forgotten how much fun riding is, what a rush!
Off to get some decent shoes now, my dodgy old trainers keep slipping off the pedals at the first hint of rain! I think I'm hooked good and proper!


  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    welcome. I am also from Bedfordshire and here are plenty of nice rides round here. Build it up steady and before you know it you will be doing 50 milers!
  • Hello from North Herts. I visit Beds a fair bit; mostly the Harlington and Luton area. Some nice roads for cycling. :)
  • Syd_65
    Syd_65 Posts: 21
    Thanks for the welcome! I'm sure I'll be on asking plenty of daft questions in the weeks / months to come...

    Calpol: what part of Beds are you from?
    Simon: Harlington is just down the road from me, agreed, nice roads!
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    I live about 3 miles from Harlington :)
  • Syd_65
    Syd_65 Posts: 21
    Calpol wrote:
    I live about 3 miles from Harlington :)

    Well that's about half as far as me! Do you belong to any local club or do you do your own thing?
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    I have ridden with Icknield Road Club the last couple of weekend club runs. Nice people and pace about my level. Also rode the time trial with them on Tuesday. Mostly I am out on my own but if you fancy a run some time then I'd be happy to ride out. Not so easy in the evenings now as its getting dark by 8. I am very much just beginning in this sport and at 41 my fitness isnt at its peak but I can manage a reasonable pace over shorter runs. Just did a 55 miler today which is my longest and included a trip up Bison Hill!
  • Syd_65
    Syd_65 Posts: 21
    I've had a look at Icknield's website, pretty local to me. I'll take you up on the run out at some point, but not sure I'm ready for Bison Hill yet...well done on that!