Tour de Wirral ride. Beginners/ newbies !!

Toe knee
Toe knee Posts: 525
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
A week tommorow I was thinking of arranging a ride in willaston, maybe from Drayton motors to Hadlow road and back or further maybe weather permitting, for newbies who need some company, advice , questions answered, road riding advice, irelative to how long you have been riding,fitness,bike,kit, etc...

As a fairly new road rider myself, 15miles longest ride, I know the feelings you have as a new rider, what to ask,how far to ride,we're to ride, road position, fitness advice.

Although I would do this on my own at a push, I would also like to try and enlist the help of a couple of experienced riders to join us ( Wirral Paul & ringo ) to head and tail the group, answer questions, teach group riding hand signals,bike and kit advice, answer anything basically.

Please let me know if you are interested, via thread or pm.

Thank you tony :D


  • davecara
    davecara Posts: 104
    Saturdays are no good for me to go on a decent ride unless it goes out in the wee small hours :lol: , my mrs works from 1pm and i'm home alone with the sprogs.
    If anything happens on a sunday however, I'm in :D
  • Toe knee
    Toe knee Posts: 525
    What about 9 or 10am dave ?
  • davecara
    davecara Posts: 104
    Should be ok, I'll need to check with she who must be obeyed first though, in case she's got plans for me :lol:
  • Ringo 68
    Ringo 68 Posts: 441
    Next Saturday would be difficult for me. I am away down south on a fishing trip next week and I wont be home until Friday. I don't think Mrs Ringo would be too chuffed if I went out for a ride on Saturday morning.

    I might be OK for Sunday though.

    I wouldn't describe me as an experienced rider though, I have only had a road bike since last September and have little to no experience riding in a group other than in pairs. Though if you need a tour of the Col de Burton and Alpe W ' alliston I can show you all the big 'climbs' :mrgreen:
    Cube Agree GTC Pro
    Boardman Comp
    Carrera Subway Hybrid
  • davecara
    davecara Posts: 104
    I'm gonna bimble to two mills and back mid morning tomorrow if anyones playing out?
  • Being a ex-Hoylake lad I'd love to join you however t'would be too costly...
    'I started with nothing and still have most of it left.'
  • davecara
    davecara Posts: 104
    Didnt miss much, it was the most wet and miserable ride I've ever done!
    Got there and back in just over 2 hours though, thats with a brew and a flapjack!