Finally bit the bullet

fuddymox Posts: 384
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Cycling has been my main hobby for 10 years + now, mostly xc mtb'ing with a bit of road work on my carbon framed hardtail. Now as time has passed I find myself being drawn more to road riding- my hardtail has evolved more into purely road setup- suspension forks replaced with rigids and slick tyres instead of knobblies. As far as mtb's go, this is a quick one allowing me to bag some Strava KOM's and be near the top with quite a few others.
I have now decided to take the next step and purchase a road bike. Was considering getting a Defy 1/2 (I'm a bit of a Giant fanboy) but baulked a bit at the cost in the off-chance that the riding position or frame sizing just didn't suit me, so instead went for the Decathlon Triban 3.
I am dying to see if I actually get any faster although I'm sure it'll take 2 or 3 rides just to get used to the different handling and brakes/gears etc. Might also answer some of the questions that are frequently asked in here about 'will a road bike make me quicker?'


  • Yes it will. I knocked nearly 10 mins off a 10 mile course time when i got a road bike, although my mtb is truely rubbish.
  • fuddymox
    fuddymox Posts: 384
    Well the Triban 3 is 10.5kg give or take with 700 x 23 tyres @ 100psi and will be comparing it to my 12kg or thereabouts carbon rigid mtb with 26" x 1.5" slicks at 60psi. Clothing worn and pedals used (spd) will be the same. I think confidence in the new riding position will be a major limiting factor for me to begin with!
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Less weight, skinny tyres and improved aerodynamics of your position on a road bike should mean you're able to maintain higher speeds for longer
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • goffski
    goffski Posts: 72
    I picked up my Triban 5 on Thursday night, i've been doing a 20 route on my MTB and on Thursday night i knocked 8 mins off my best time. Bit more work and i'm hoping to be able to do it in 60 mins.

    Did my first long(ish) ride on Saturday and managed 42miles in 2:23 which i was very happy with.

    So far so good ans loving the road cycling.
  • fuddymox
    fuddymox Posts: 384
    Good work Goffski. I just know I'm going to be the exception though!
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    It will just make you try harder, so yes you will be quicker :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike