So tried my local 10 mile TT route at the weekend.



  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    I rode my first ever TT last night at the age of 41. I am a vet apparently! It was 2 laps of a 4.1 mile course. There was quite a headwind in the first half and it was slightly uphill. Felt tough but coming back round again I felt like I was flying! Completed it in 25 minutes, average speed 19.4mph, average heart rate 177bpm max 185. The fastest time was 19 minutes by the club semi pro on a P4. He flew past me on my first lap like he was rocket propelled. I was quite satisfied having never TT before and not knowing the course. Plus I have only really been riding this year with any degree of seriousness. I am glad I did it , it took a bit of bottle as I haven't competed at anything for about 20 years but I overcame a strong fear of failure to do it so all in all quite chuffed. I reckon I can find 30 secs next time but aim to beat 24 mins next year.
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    Calpol wrote:
    The fastest time was 19 minutes by the club semi pro on a P4. He flew past me on my first lap like he was rocket propelled.
    semi-pro? 19 mins for 8.2 miles? That's not quite 26mph average. I suspect either his time is wrong, or your description of him is wrong :wink: !!! Even I can go faster than that and I'm not even semi, let alone pro! :lol:

    Well done on your efforts thus far, you'll soon be spending silly amounts of money on kit like the rest of us! :oops:

  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    Pilot Pete wrote:
    Calpol wrote:
    The fastest time was 19 minutes by the club semi pro on a P4. He flew past me on my first lap like he was rocket propelled.
    semi-pro? 19 mins for 8.2 miles? That's not quite 26mph average. I suspect either his time is wrong, or your description of him is wrong :wink: !!! Even I can go faster than that and I'm not even semi, let alone pro! :lol:

    Well done on your efforts thus far, you'll soon be spending silly amounts of money on kit like the rest of us! :oops:

    Terminology probably adrift however as he was 25% faster than me and the fastest in the club I was looking for an appropriate description.
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    I haven't done a TT but would like to but got no idea how I would stack up as I only have commutes to go by, it's 11.7 miles and I have done it in 35 mins, with a back pack on and traffic lights etc. Is that a good start point or will I look hopeless??
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Paul E wrote:
    I haven't done a TT but would like to but got no idea how I would stack up as I only have commutes to go by, it's 11.7 miles and I have done it in 35 mins, with a back pack on and traffic lights etc. Is that a good start point or will I look hopeless??

    Try one and find out, you WILL NOT look hopeless.
  • snoopsmydogg
    snoopsmydogg Posts: 1,110
    danowat wrote:
    Paul E wrote:
    I haven't done a TT but would like to but got no idea how I would stack up as I only have commutes to go by, it's 11.7 miles and I have done it in 35 mins, with a back pack on and traffic lights etc. Is that a good start point or will I look hopeless??

    Try one and find out, you WILL NOT look hopeless.

    although may be best to leave the back pack behind when you do it :wink:
  • nickellis
    nickellis Posts: 239
    Paul E wrote:
    I haven't done a TT but would like to but got no idea how I would stack up as I only have commutes to go by, it's 11.7 miles and I have done it in 35 mins, with a back pack on and traffic lights etc. Is that a good start point or will I look hopeless??

    Give it a go, you can already cycle the distance, although there are no traffic lights to hide at. That's what foxed me, after the first mile I was looking around hoping a set of lights would appear!! :lol:
    Trek 1.1c (2012) - For commuting
    Trek Madone 5.5c (2010) - For pleasure ... G_0413.jpg
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    It's the lights that tire me out having to stop and start, I can sit and spin for ages if I get the speed up and maintain my cadence sweet spot.

    Yeah I think the backpack might look a bit out of place ;-)