How fit do you have to be for a sportive?

elvis loved burgers
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I have been cycling for about 6 weeks now and have been trying to get my fitness levels up. There is a sportive next week near where I live and I have signed up to the 50k, I'm wondering if I would be able to do the 100k instead? I have done two 48k cycles recently and they have taken just over 2 hours, would I be pushing it to go for the 100k?


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Play safe and do the 50k and finish in a good state. If you do the 100 and die then it may put you off cycling for a bit.
  • I suspect you're fitter than you think you are. Challenge yourself, but if you die trying you'll know you bit off a tad more than you could chew.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    I saw someone riding the Wiggle one last week with a basket on the front of their bike
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    Firstly I am assuming that your 48k rides were on the same kind of terrain as the forthcoming sportive - obviously if the sportive has a lot more climbing, you might smuggle. Also I am assuming that your are healthy.

    I think, as you've already done 2 x 48k rides in a reasonable time, and a Sportive is not a race so there is no rush to finishing, go for it, push yourself and have a break at the feed stop if you need it. You should be fine.

    I did my first 100 mile recently and before I had done 2 x 80 milers as my longest rides. You can do it.
  • imsimon
    imsimon Posts: 181
    I'd say just got for it! im in a similar boat to you, ive done a few rides of around 35 miles and im doing the 80mile bath to bournemouth ride on 30th sept. I think the main thing is not to rush! tortoise and the hare after all!
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Isn't being in a boat cheating somewhat?

    I'm a new sportive bunny this and have done 5 up to about 100k. If the route and the weather are reasonable and you don't try to win it you will be ok. I don't think the actual riding of it from an endurance point of view is that difficult if you have a reasonable standard of fitness. Nothing like that required for marathon running. Of course you will be cursing under your breath as you toil up those lovely hills they like to put in sportives. What I found difficult is the effect on the upper body of being in an unnatural position for a long time. Very hard on neck, shoulders, arms and hands I found, to say nothing of the bottom. Also very hard to keep concentration overlong periods and when tired. Other than that, keep hydrated, fed, give yourself plenty of rest, stretching etc and you will be fine...
  • petemadoc
    petemadoc Posts: 2,331
    100k should be no problem if you take your time and keep yourself fed and watered. You might be full of aches and pains at the end but what's the point if it's too easy?
  • Muffintop
    Muffintop Posts: 296
    My other half did the Scottish Bike Show sportive (65 miles) on very little training. It is doable. Sitting on the saddle and the hills will be the killer on the second half. Take your time and ensure you're fed and watered properly and you'll be fine.

    FCN: Brompton: 12, Tourer: 7, Racer: 4
  • Right, Ill go for the 100k, I'll let you know on Sunday night how I got along. I reckon myself I can do it.
  • Wrath Rob
    Wrath Rob Posts: 2,918
    Agree with Muffintop, it will be the time in the saddle that will get you. Take plenty of breaks and make sure you're wearing some padded shorts!
    FCN3: Titanium Qoroz.
  • Gizmo_
    Gizmo_ Posts: 558
    Wrath Rob wrote:
    Agree with Muffintop, it will be the time in the saddle that will get you. Take plenty of breaks and make sure you're wearing some padded shorts!
    The couple of times I've been over 50 miles it's hurt more when I've got off the saddle, as the blood flows back into the numb bits :D

    OP, if you've done a couple of 50km rides the 100 will be no problem as long as you don't go off too hard at the start. Remember to drink and eat. :)
    Scott Sportster P45 2008 | Cannondale CAAD8 Tiagra 2012
  • 4 1/2 hours later a bit stiff and sore but I done it. Im fitter than a lot of them out there because I never got off my bike and pushed it up the big hill, I passed plenty who did. I think I held back a bit too much because the last 20k I hammered it and passed loads of people. I done it in my swimming shorts, I think I will have to buy some paddded shorts for my next one.
  • Well done Sir :)

    My turn next Sunday
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    excellent, well done. seems like you paced yourself pretty well
  • boogi11
    boogi11 Posts: 354
    Well done, my first sportive next week, 109 miles in ruland, going to be hard and probably slow but think I can do it, they have 2 differnet starts and 4 food stations, I'm interested to know what sort of people were doing it, were there any mountain bikes etc... Old folks just pooling and enjoying it, I'm just conscious of being laughed at by the pros
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    I done it in my swimming shorts, I think I will have to buy some paddded shorts for my next one.
    :shock: You, sir, are a fool and a hero!
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    @boogi11. the pros wont laugh at you. i doubt if they will even notice you. thats what i like about sportives, you can whizz or pootle them and noone really cares
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    I say good morning/afternoon to everyone that I pass and everyone that passes me. I don't care either way, it's good fun! No one will laugh, unless you wear a clown costume :D
