Bike Bag on UK Trains

jamieleung Posts: 49
edited August 2012 in Commuting general
Hi all,

Has anyone travelled with a Bike bag on the UK Trains? If you have, how did you go about storing it on the train??
Ideally I want to take my bike in the bag because of connivence in case there isn't any space in the bike storage as I hear there is only limited numbers around 2-5 spaces per train.

To be specific I will be travelling via the First Transpennine Express and East Coast Trainlines.

Look forward to your replies,

Kind Regards,



  • If you know when you are travelling why not book your bike on the train ? It doesn't cost any extra

    TBH I doubt you'll find many bikes on an East Coast service. I use a TPE service for part of the commute quite a lot. It's not so much the bikesyou have to make way for, more the suitcases etc. Especially if its a Manchester Airport service.
    FCN = 9 (Tourer) 8 (Mountain Bike)
  • Hi Stanarchist,

    Thanks for the reply. I'll be travelling from Manchester to Leeds and then Leeds down to Ipswich via Peterborough... then returning a few days after. Quite a lot of booking would be needed?

    Therefore I was considering using the bike bag and storing it somewhere on the train - I've also read there is a guards van?? where large luggage can be stored.

    Additionally do you know what the bike storage area is like and if you know in the Guards van?? Just a little worried about the security because this is my racing rig and really couldn't afford it getting stolen.
