Sweaty Man

spaceman.spiff Posts: 15
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
So I suffer from eczema on my wrists and crocks of my arms which at the moment is not too bad. I am finding that when I’m riding I’m sweating like a pig (nothing unusual there) and this is aggravating my skin turning my mild eczema patches in to red, raised and itchy welts which needless to say is not very pleasant. These generally go away after a shower and a cool down but they are driving me crazy while I’m out.

Dose anyone else get similar sweat rashes? If so do you have any advice on controlling / preventing it?
Rose Carbon Pro SL 4400
Cannondale Caad4


  • :( Would any of those special creams for eczema dabbed into these places before you go out help by providing a barrier?
  • I have been using some diprobase as a barrier but strangely Im finding that it seems to mix with my sweat and aggravates it more :? It might be just that particular cream that won’t play nice, a trip to the doctor may be in order.
    Rose Carbon Pro SL 4400
    Cannondale Caad4
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    Maybe a light wicking base layer?
  • I've had a similar problem on and off for several years. I find Fucidin cream works, if applied a good hour or so before exercise (allows it to soak in). Its available on prescription only though.
  • I have been using some diprobase as a barrier but strangely Im finding that it seems to mix with my sweat and aggravates it more :? It might be just that particular cream that won’t play nice, a trip to the doctor may be in order.

    Yes a doctor will be able to point you in the right direction.

    My son gets eczema and he has a couple of creams, but in fact at least one, I know, he can use as a soap, so I guess that wouldn't work as a barrier. Maybe something greasy like sudocrem would work?

    Isn't Fucidin a mild steroidal cream? It does work miracles though when my son has a flare up.

    Best of luck!
  • raymondo60
    raymondo60 Posts: 735
    E45 cream works for me - available from the pharmacist. As above, apply a little while before riding as it needs to penetrate the skin. Good luck

    "Let's just all be really careful out there folks!"
  • Thanks for the reply’s everyone I’m looking in to some winter kit at the moment so I might add in a base layer to that, I’m sure I’m being an idiot but what do you mean by "wicking"?

    I have never tried Fucidin cream. Do you know if its a steroid based emollient? As years of using them has made my skin paper thin. I’m going to ask my doctor just in case.

    Do you think that carrying a small travel flannel in my jersey and just wiping my arms down every so often would help?
    Rose Carbon Pro SL 4400
    Cannondale Caad4
  • Aye its a steroid cream, but works great for me, only use a tiny drop and rub it in. Also ask about a new type of cream thats out, is non steroid and meant to be great, my wife found out about it, called Protopic ointment and Elidel cream, but I found it impossible to persuade my GP to give me prescription for these, probably if I was a jobless bum I would have more joy but never mind.
  • ALaPlage
    ALaPlage Posts: 732
    Purpose base layers for sports that are classed as wicking as they wick the body sweat away from the body. The idea being that as you warm up during cycling/running etc and sweat starts to form the special properties of the base layer fabric soak up the sweat but push it through to the outside of the garment. This is to stop you getting cold and damp.

    I hope that explains it 8)
    Trek Madone 5.9
    Kinesis Crosslight T4
  • ALaPlage wrote:
    I hope that explains it 8)

    That makes a lot of sense, I will keep my eyes peeled for a decent base layer. :D

    I have been hearing a lot about these new "miracle" creams but never knew their names. I will make an appointment with the doc and hope I meet the prescription criteria (fingers crossed)
    Rose Carbon Pro SL 4400
    Cannondale Caad4