Just starting out

Temprial Posts: 2
edited August 2012 in Road beginners

Im going to be getting back on a bike after about a 20 year absence, Im doing this as a purely leasure/fitness idea.

After stopping various martials arts about a year ago and recently stopped smoking, my fitness levels have shrunk and at the same time other parts of my have grown...
I wont lie the Olympics have inspired me to get off my ass and do something and decided on cycling as a non impact way of doing this.

Im looking for advice as to the best way to start doing this?
I thought about just going around my local streets during the evenings, increasing distance/speed/hill inclines as my progress increases.
I also live a stones throw away from Royal Deeside in Scotland so have a multitude of trails to aspire to when i feel I am up to it.
At this minute commuting to work is not in the plan.

I have been given a Hybrid bike from a friend and a mix of road and light trails are what I had in mind to do.

So I guess im just asking if just getting out there, and increasing various aspects of the cycle periodicaly the way ahead?



  • EarlyGo
    EarlyGo Posts: 281
    Hi Temprial,

    A hybrid is a good bike to start with in the NE of Scotland as you can then decide whether you prefer hacking down muddy tracks, avoiding trees and getting covered in mud and slime; or riding god like, at the speed of a bullet along the tarmac stuff! Just get out there and get the miles in. Start short, say 5 miles, and gradually increase distance and speed. You'll be surprised at how fast your fitness will improve if you stick with it. After a couple of months you'll know whether you prefer the dirt or the road.

    Regards, EarlyGo
  • gsvbagpuss
    gsvbagpuss Posts: 272
    Your plan sounds perfect, especially as you have a free bike to test out. Personally I love road biking for the speed but some do like getting muddy on the dirty stuff :)

    When i started riding I thought a 8 mile flat ride would kill me (and it almost did!). A few months later I commute the hilly way to work which is 16 miles and think nothing of it. That's not showing off, it's to demonstrate how progress can be made really quite quickly.
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    nwmlarge wrote:
    put helmet on get on bike and ride

    Aye. Don't overthink it (you get people on here prevaricating for weeks and weeks about which bike to get), just get out and ride before winter kicks in.
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  • unixnerd
    unixnerd Posts: 2,864
    Aye. Don't overthink it (you get people on here prevaricating for weeks and weeks about which bike to get), just get out and ride before winter kicks in.

    +1! Just be sure to wear something very visible and you'll have no trouble with cars. I cycle in your area a lot as I work in Westhill during the week and there are some superb rides. Just gradually increase the miles every week and ENJOY it. If you're pushed for time do a shorter route but with more effort put in. If you can get our three or four times a week your fitness will improve dramatically.

    No need to stop unless it's icy, just invest in the right gear for winter and you'll be fine. I even ride at night in the winter with some good lights and it's superb fun.

    If you want some route advice just drop me a PM.
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  • edewer
    edewer Posts: 99
    was in the same position myself with lack of sport and smoking, but got a road bike a few weeks back and am just kinda throwing myself at it. I'm doing a mixture of stuff, but like to include a hill or two in my rides, some of which are pretty brutal..

    I'm racking up 20-30km stints a day at the minute and can already tell that my respiratory levels are on the up, and that i dont sweat as much (if that makes sense), but longer term I want to do longer range stuff and really build my stamina and energy levels.

    All i'd say is get out there, do a mixture of stuff of an hour or less, and just build as you go really :)

    hope this helps and good luck
