Turbo Trainers

ElliottG Posts: 8
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Hi Guys

As a newbie to the forum and a 2012 convert to road cycling, I thought I'd pose this question here even though it has probably been addressed before, that way I get to say hi and introduce myself for the future instead of just lurking reading old posts.

Now I started cycling when running became difficult after an injury and, by massive coincidence, got a job in the industry shortly after. Doing some decent miels 3-4 times a week now but the nights are closing in. I am hoping to join a club next year and will be getting a turbo trainer to clock up the miles in the garage over winter when the Yorkshire weather stops me going out. My basic question is this; what should I be looking out for?

I appreciate that I could probably do with a new set of wheels and tyres on my entry level Felt F95 anyway so will upgrade in Spring (thus negating the need for turbo trainer specific wheel and tyre?) but I don't know much else about the turbo trainer as a product. Do I need anything else bracket wise for my front wheel?

My budget is not massive but I get things cheaply through work as it is so I could probably go for something that retaiuls about £250.

Cheers in advance for any help chaps.

Also, as an afterthought, have been looking at Strava today. Is this for real? A few of the hills in my area are short but steep and people are clocking daft times on them. Car times. For example, there is one that is very short but very steep with someone recording 0.4km in 43 secs.


  • dave25
    dave25 Posts: 11
    Im in the same boat as you. 6 weeks holidays will be over before I know it meaning by the time I get home its not going to be light enough to get a decent ride in.

    Im just gonna go for a trainer, a trainer tyre which ill just have to keep swapping and a block for the front wheel. You can get one with different rises, which i'll probably go for.

    Oh and a fan, and plenty of cycling videos to watch to keep me entertained!
  • Buckled_Rims
    Buckled_Rims Posts: 1,648
    Not sure about Strava as I don't use it. But I regularly do a 0.45km run with about 24 metres height gain, middle third is steepish, in 60 seconds on the road bike with standard crankset and best time of 70 seconds on my mountain bike. I'm pretty certain that a good race cyclist could better those times considerably. But usually I do this at the end of my route so i'm fairly tired and burnt out.
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    This will keep you going for a while, NapDs guide has it all:
