Riding along and..

GSJ Posts: 150
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
I passed a guy at around 20mph then slowed down to take a drink, the guy passed me and looked at me whilst shaking his head..Not sure what I could have done wrong for him to shake his head, he didn't even say anything.


  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Probably an angry Cervelo rider
  • Ringo 68
    Ringo 68 Posts: 441
    GSJ wrote:
    I passed a guy at around 20mph then slowed down to take a drink, the guy passed me and looked at me whilst shaking his head..Not sure what I could have done wrong for him to shake his head, he didn't even say anything.

    Because you slowed down he probably thought you had killed yourself trying to get past him and couldn't keep up the pace. Hence the shake of the head.

    Or you weren't wearing a Yellow/KOM/Green/Sky jersey were you? :mrgreen:
    Cube Agree GTC Pro
    Boardman Comp
    Carrera Subway Hybrid
  • gmacz
    gmacz Posts: 343
    Not everyone likes to be told - "Eat My Dust" as you overtake.
  • boh67
    boh67 Posts: 71
    Ringo 68 wrote:
    GSJ wrote:
    I passed a guy at around 20mph then slowed down to take a drink, the guy passed me and looked at me whilst shaking his head..Not sure what I could have done wrong for him to shake his head, he didn't even say anything.

    Because you slowed down he probably thought you had killed yourself trying to get past him and couldn't keep up the pace. Hence the shake of the head.

    Or you weren't wearing a Yellow/KOM/Green/Sky jersey were you? :mrgreen:

  • GSJ
    GSJ Posts: 150
    Or you weren't wearing a Yellow/KOM/Green/Sky jersey were you? :mrgreen:
    Nope but I was wearing a polkadot one...jk :P
  • Don't suppose it was a 'Hi' kind of head shaking.... Or could he have got a bee in his ear? :)
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    I suspect he was a bell end.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Dont think i'd be too impressed if another cyclist overtook me then slowed down to take a drink - making me go around them.

    Why not sit back and drink, or go well past (or learn to drink without slowing the pace)?
  • GSJ
    GSJ Posts: 150
    Dont think i'd be too impressed if another cyclist overtook me then slowed down to take a drink - making me go around them.

    Why not sit back and drink, or go well past (or learn to drink without slowing the pace)?

    I would understand where you're coming from if I slowed down straight away after over taking him, but he never went past for a good 3/5minutes
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Dont think i'd be too impressed if another cyclist overtook me then slowed down to take a drink - making me go around them.

    Yeah, I mean think - that could double your route mileage :lol:

    Ultimately though, if you can't make it stick don't make the pass! You dishonoured yourself. If you were samurai, there would be only one action left for you......

    GSJ wrote:
    I would understand where you're coming from if I slowed down straight away after over taking him, but he never went past for a good 3/5minutes

    Woah, hang on a minute. This doesn't quite hang together. Unless he hung onto your tail for 5 minutes (in which case he got a free ride and had no reason to head shake) you can't have been maintaining your 20mph otherwise merely slowing for a drink wouldn't have let him catch up (unless you have a frame mounted urn and were making a brew).
    Faster than a tent.......
  • GSJ
    GSJ Posts: 150
    I didn't look back so I'm guessing he was on my tail, and as soon as I got my bottle he overtook me.
  • MattC59 wrote:
    I suspect he was a bell end.

    This is the correct answer. Just another wannabe. No-one actually likes being overtaken, but being hostile about it is so childish. The etiquette can take a little while to pick up, and it bothers me that some cyclists will shout at others; they were beginners once.

    If you see this clown again, do the decent thing and leave him in the dust. That or draft him for as long as possible; that'll teach him!
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    GSJ wrote:
    I passed a guy at around 20mph then slowed down to take a drink, the guy passed me and looked at me whilst shaking his head..Not sure what I could have done wrong for him to shake his head, he didn't even say anything.
    Please come along and overtake me - just not too fast that I can't catch the free tow.
    I might shake my head if you slow for a drink though - but only because my free tow will be over :D
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Must admit I don't pass anyone unless I'm confident I can keep the pace up for them not to come back a few minutes later. If it's touch and go I'd just sit on their wheel and offer to take a turn after a while. I'd certainly make sure they weren't on my wheel and before slowing down though I don't understand why you'd slow to take a drink?
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    Last night I overtook some guy on my way out to do some training (just riding an easy tempo and I caught him easily). I was clearly going a bit quicker than him. Sad loser then speeds up and as we get to a steeper bit of road he overtakes me. Fine I thought, the guy is now going faster than me so I wasn't bothered, since as I said I was riding a steady tempo out to do some intervals. Only as soon as he overtook me it was clear that he wasn't actually going faster than me. So I dropped back a bit since I didn't want to draft some random or get into some sad race by overtaking him again. He kept a reasonable pace up the steep bit, but then as soon as it levelled off he started soft pedalling - 150W actually. I tried to stay behind him, but in the end got bored with riding so slow on the flatter bits that I overtook him again and luckily after the next descent he turned off. I'm sure he's proud of himself for overtaking a 'serious' looking cyclist. Oh and I didn't mention - he was wearing pro team kit....

    If someone had overtaken me and then slowed down to take a drink (why slow down?) then I'd have probably been thinking the same as the villain in the OP.
    More problems but still living....
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    amaferanga wrote:
    Oh and I didn't mention - he was wearing pro team kit....
    Ah - that makes all the difference ... he was a scout for the team - looking to find local talent .. you failed the pick because you sat behind him for so long - he was testing your strength! ;)
    amaferanga wrote:
    If someone had overtaken me and then slowed down to take a drink (why slow down?) then I'd have probably been thinking the same as the villain in the OP.
    Yer - but how far/long do you have to go to make the overtake stick - if you find someone pootling along 2-3mph slower than yourself and you go past, they then catch your wheel and draft you do you have to carry on till you drop them?
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    Slowbike wrote:
    amaferanga wrote:
    Oh and I didn't mention - he was wearing pro team kit....
    Ah - that makes all the difference ... he was a scout for the team - looking to find local talent .. you failed the pick because you sat behind him for so long - he was testing your strength! ;)
    amaferanga wrote:
    If someone had overtaken me and then slowed down to take a drink (why slow down?) then I'd have probably been thinking the same as the villain in the OP.
    Yer - but how far/long do you have to go to make the overtake stick - if you find someone pootling along 2-3mph slower than yourself and you go past, they then catch your wheel and draft you do you have to carry on till you drop them?

    Dunno. It depends on whether the guy that got overtaken actually speeded up or if he just carried on at his same pace and the guy that overtook him then slowed down because he'd upped his pace just to get past the guy . I'd say the latter scenario is more common - cyclist sees another cyclist ahead, speeds up to get past him, is then buggered from the effort and soon afterwards needs to slow down again leaving the overtaken cyclist p!ssed off that he now has to either overtake that cyclist and therefore get into a 'race' or slow down and stay behind him.
    More problems but still living....
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    I wish I saw enough cyclists for this to be a problem! They always seem to be going the other way!
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    amaferanga wrote:
    He kept a reasonable pace up the steep bit, but then as soon as it levelled off he started soft pedalling - 150W actually.

    You were doing a tempo ride, he was doing hill intervals, the exact same result would be seen - but why is he a sad loser for doing the intervals?

    Maybe he was - but it's silly to assume.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff: http://jibbering.com/sports/
  • thecrofter
    thecrofter Posts: 734
    "I'm on a tempo ride"

    Definately one to add to "What sh1t cyclists say"
    You've no won the Big Cup since 1902!
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    jibberjim wrote:
    amaferanga wrote:
    He kept a reasonable pace up the steep bit, but then as soon as it levelled off he started soft pedalling - 150W actually.

    You were doing a tempo ride, he was doing hill intervals, the exact same result would be seen - but why is he a sad loser for doing the intervals?

    Maybe he was - but it's silly to assume.

    They were sh!t intervals if that's what he was doing!
    More problems but still living....
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    thecrofter wrote:
    "I'm on a tempo ride"

    definitely one to add to "What sh1t cyclists say"

    Is that aimed at me? Ha ha. What makes you think I'm a sh!t cyclist? I ride at my own pace. If I'm off to do intervals I'll ride at a steady pace there so I can get the most out of the intervals and don't feel the need to 'race' every unsuspecting cyclists I meet. In this case I cruised past the guy riding at my sh!t tempo pace.

    I race when I've got a number pinned to my back.
    More problems but still living....
  • teulk
    teulk Posts: 557
    I don't care if people overtake me only for me to go past them further up the road, in fact i dont care if people go past me full stop - it means im riding slow or they're just faster !.......whats the big deal. I also wont over take someone if i don't think i can stay ahead of them especially if i've put some effort in to catch them up. I normally use people ahead of me as a goal, catch them, job done and then let them go.
    Boardman Team 09 HT
    Orbea Aqua TTG CT 2010
    Specialized Secteur Elite 2011
  • thecrofter
    thecrofter Posts: 734
    amaferanga wrote:
    thecrofter wrote:
    "I'm on a tempo ride"

    definitely one to add to "What sh1t cyclists say"

    Is that aimed at me? Ha ha. What makes you think I'm a sh!t cyclist? I ride at my own pace. If I'm off to do intervals I'll ride at a steady pace there so I can get the most out of the intervals and don't feel the need to 'race' every unsuspecting cyclists I meet. In this case I cruised past the guy riding at my sh!t tempo pace.

    I race when I've got a number pinned to my back.

    No particular aim taken, just thought it was amusing. I've found myself saying similar things sometimes, but then maybe I'm a sh1t cyclist. :cry:

    It's just occured to me you may not have seen the video I was referring to. It's on YouTube, search "what sh1t cyclist's say". It's almost too accurate.
    You've no won the Big Cup since 1902!
  • mouth
    mouth Posts: 1,195
    GSJ wrote:
    I passed a guy at around 20mph then slowed down to take a drink, the guy passed me and looked at me whilst shaking his head..Not sure what I could have done wrong for him to shake his head, he didn't even say anything.

    I blame Wiggle!
    The only disability in life is a poor attitude.
  • ben@31
    ben@31 Posts: 2,327
    GSJ wrote:
    I passed a guy at around 20mph then slowed down to take a drink, the guy passed me and looked at me whilst shaking his head..Not sure what I could have done wrong for him to shake his head, he didn't even say anything.

    You weren't wearing a helmet were you?
    "The Prince of Wales is now the King of France" - Calton Kirby
  • GSJ
    GSJ Posts: 150
    I always wear a helmet :)
    And why Wiggle?