
ianbar Posts: 1,354
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
is anyone else like me and for some stupid reason my brain won't work if i want to unclip my right foot and stop as i always us my left.the i a bit daft really when i first started with clip less i couldn't do my left as i am right footed but forced myself to start unclipping left as its obviously away from traffic. so anyway today i thought i would try and unclip my right when i get home, rather stupidly i still nearly tried to go left even though i hadn't unclipped that side but just about managed to set down on my right...rediculous!
enigma esprit
cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012


  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    I can't do it either, years of left foot down riding motorbikes ruined me.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Does it matter which foot you unclip? I always unclip my right as it feels natural. The trick is then leaning towards whichever foot is down though :)
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    i have exactly this problem and it has made using clipless an interesting and sometimes painful experience for me. I am left handed would tend to favour my right leg and when i am freewheeling it is the one that is down. i have taught myself to unclip on the left side which means i have to have my left foot on the downstroke. this is fine if i have plenty of time to think like when approaching a junction. i just hope that no-one jumps out at me. six months on its still not automatic in my brain but fortunately no mishaps for a while. i am getting on in years and have never been that coordinated...
  • :oops: Fell over yesterday. Bike started leaning left and I had my right foot un clipped but couldn't get my head around un clipping the left. Looked a right numpty in front of my 'can't work won't work' neighbours :oops:
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • How coincidental. I came to make a post about this exact thing. Sitting here with my bib still on and blood trickling down my leg after coming off at some lights not getting the hang of this unclipping business. Have come off three times now in my first three months. I sure hope it gets easier.

    In fairness, today's was my fault as I was reaching for a post so I wouldn't have to unclip and just didn't make it. All part of the process I hope?
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    I can unclip either, but I find it much easier to clip back in with my right foot so I always unclip my right foot. I know that logically in the UK the kerb ison the left and I should really unclip the left foot to lean away from traffic, but I can't be bothered.

    Unclip whichever foot works best for you I say!

    Still trying to get used to SPDs on my MTB (sorry to swear). :oops:
  • Bobbinogs wrote:
    Does it matter which foot you unclip? I always unclip my right as it feels natural. The trick is then leaning towards whichever foot is down though :)

    I always thought it best to unclip the left foot when stopping, then in most situations you're leaning towards the pavement, and away from traffic. Also if the inevitable clipless moment happens you fall towards the side of the road not into the path of cars. Of course you could be unlucky and snap your arm on the kerbstone.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    ...but my only clipless moment happened when the camber took me to the left and I had my right foot unclipped. Surely if you always unclip the right foot then you will only ever fall off on the left, away from the traffic?? I must admit, when my club come to a T, it only seems to be me unclipping on the right.
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    my stupid brain even though i had managed to unclip and set my right foot down, i then couldn't engage my brain too get my left leg over the saddle lol. i guess it all doesn't matter that much really with side even if its always the same .
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • plowmar
    plowmar Posts: 1,032
    Had same as Charlie Potatoes, as my only moment up to now in seven years.

    Was going up hill but got the wrong gear by a long way and as speed reduced to one m p h and started falling to the left, quick as a flash - it really was impressive - unclipped my right foot. :oops: :oops: .

    The people in the following car thought for some reason it was hilarious.

    So from that you can see that robot mode is unclip right.

    To hi jack the thread a little do we clip in on the same side each time? I seem to vary but cannot say wether I favour one side or the other.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    I clip in right first and out with my left first. Therefore my left is always my free side
  • I unclip on the left. I tried with the right but my balance is on the left - I put that down to the weight of my testicles - one of them is bigger than the other 2. :D
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    I unclip on the left. I tried with the right but my balance is on the left - I put that down to the weight of my testicles - one of them is bigger than the other 2. :D
    That's another reason why I always put my right foot down, because I dress to the left and need to counter-balance the weight. :D
  • Ringo 68
    Ringo 68 Posts: 441
    Bobbinogs wrote:
    ...but my only clipless moment happened when the camber took me to the left and I had my right foot unclipped. Surely if you always unclip the right foot then you will only ever fall off on the left, away from the traffic?? I must admit, when my club come to a T, it only seems to be me unclipping on the right.

    I always used to unclip on my right side for safety reasons but since I get new shoesI find it much harder for some reason to clip back in with my right foot.

    Now I use my left side.
    Cube Agree GTC Pro
    Boardman Comp
    Carrera Subway Hybrid
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    I always unclip with my right foot, even although it's on the traffic side. When I then stop I always come out the saddle so I'm standing over the crossbar with my right foot flat on the ground, rather than stay in the saddle with just my toes balancing on the ground. I usually unclip in plenty of time before junctions, and as I use MTB pedals (that can twist out both ways) I usually twist in towards the frame with my right foot at the top of the pedal stroke.

    With the shoes I wear I quite often ride with my right foot unclipped when in busy traffic and going through junctions etc. as I can still pedal quite strongly with my right foot firmly on top of the pedal, but unclipped, and clip back in easily whenever safe to do so.
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    i always clip right foot first as its my strongest leg so more power to set off especially uphill.
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • nbuuifx
    nbuuifx Posts: 302
    I always unclip my left, can often do long rides with never even unclipping my right. I do have to get off the saddle though unless a kerb is close by as I can't reach the floor from the saddle without a good lean.

    I came off once when doing an emergency stop next to a farmers entrance, I naturally unclipped my left then realised the ground fell away down a slope and was about a foot lower than the road. This accident would have happened with flats though so can't blame the pedals.

    Other than that I've not really come off due to the pedals, but had plenty of heart stopping moments where I very nearly didn't get unclipped in time.

    One spot I really hate is on a bit of a hill, the hill goes right up to a T junction, I tend to me in a highish gear as there is a good run down, then you go up the hill carrying the speed. As you approach the T junction (which goes on to a busy main road 60mph) you can't see left or right until the last second, so you've slowed down but are still pedaling, if there is nothing coming then great, but if there is a car coming you've got to unclip, but due to still needing to pedal I find it really difficult. I've ended up cycling in a zigzag up to the junction which gives me longer to see each way and means I'm not going up as much of a hill so it's easier to unclip.
  • Barteos
    Barteos Posts: 657
    I suggest you do a bit of mountain biking guys to learn how to do it properly and without even thinking about it :wink:
  • iampaulb
    iampaulb Posts: 159
    i unclip my left then my right. It just feels natural, i am right foot forward so i always start pedalling with my right. So unclipping my left to stop etc feels most natural
  • karlth
    karlth Posts: 156
    nbuuifx wrote:
    I always unclip my left, can often do long rides with never even unclipping my right. I do have to get off the saddle though unless a kerb is close by as I can't reach the floor from the saddle without a good lean.

    I came off once when doing an emergency stop next to a farmers entrance, I naturally unclipped my left then realised the ground fell away down a slope and was about a foot lower than the road. This accident would have happened with flats though so can't blame the pedals.

    Other than that I've not really come off due to the pedals, but had plenty of heart stopping moments where I very nearly didn't get unclipped in time.

    One spot I really hate is on a bit of a hill, the hill goes right up to a T junction, I tend to me in a highish gear as there is a good run down, then you go up the hill carrying the speed. As you approach the T junction (which goes on to a busy main road 60mph) you can't see left or right until the last second, so you've slowed down but are still pedaling, if there is nothing coming then great, but if there is a car coming you've got to unclip, but due to still needing to pedal I find it really difficult. I've ended up cycling in a zigzag up to the junction which gives me longer to see each way and means I'm not going up as much of a hill so it's easier to unclip.

    As you approach, twist left foot so no longer engaged - it's possible to continue pedalling like this, or move to arch/toe. When you get to the junction, either continue as you are or finish the unclipping and put your foot down. Simples.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    i am a little cautious so tend to unclip well before any potential hazard. carrying on semi clipped is ok but i sometimes have probs getting clipped back in again particularly when im tired and my brain isnt working so well
  • SR7492
    SR7492 Posts: 190
    Like others, when I set off I clip in first with my right foot and keep the left unclipped until I hit the main road.

    I will unclip with the left and sometimes unclip as a precaution - with the speedplays', you can pedal without clipping in as you need to twist and clip in with them.

    I'm right footed, I did try to unclip with this foot but found it very weird, my balance just went totally off.

    With the kerbs being on the left, that is a big advantage when unclipping.

    Each to their own I guess :)
  • stueyboy
    stueyboy Posts: 108
    First day with clips today and looks like I unclip with right first. I MTB a lot and lead with my left foot on jumps and stuff as well so it feels natural to keep it clipped in.

    Unclipping is fine but I looked like a proper specialist trying to clip back in as I went through a set of traffic lights in my town today. Expect that will come with practice
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    SR7492 wrote:
    Like others, when I set off I clip in first with my right foot and keep the left unclipped until I hit the main road.

    I will unclip with the left and sometimes unclip as a precaution - with the speedplays', you can pedal without clipping in as you need to twist and clip in with them.

    I'm right footed, I did try to unclip with this foot but found it very weird, my balance just went totally off.

    With the kerbs being on the left, that is a big advantage when unclipping.

    Each to their own I guess :)

    This works for me too (also SpeedPlay pedals). I have got into the habit of "unclipping" by rotating my foot even when riding the pub bike which has flats fitted.
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    theres me saying ive been ok for some time, pride comes before a fall doesnt it ...
    note to brain. you have just unclipped your left foot, your right foot is still attached to the pedal. therefore it is not a good idea to lean to the right ... ouch
  • nbuuifx
    nbuuifx Posts: 302
    karlth wrote:

    As you approach, twist left foot so no longer engaged - it's possible to continue pedalling like this, or move to arch/toe. When you get to the junction, either continue as you are or finish the unclipping and put your foot down. Simples.

    I've tried that before and ended up accidentally clipped back in when I thought it was out, now if I do unclip I move my foot into the wrong position altogether so I can carry on pedalling (just). I have been having a bit more bother recently clipping back in. I'm using MTB pedals at the moment and didn't have as much bother on the MTB, I think the pedals are slightly closer together on the road bike (can't be much in it but the BB must be narrower??) so my foot is always slightly out of position to clip back in.