Pain behind the knee

blns75 Posts: 15
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
As the title suggest I have being getting pain in the tendons/ligaments/whatever which run down either side of the back of my knee.

I generally ride around 30 miles on my own and the pain started when I recently completed 50 miles and now seems to flare up after about 10-15 miles. It is predominantly on the outside of one of my knees and is also worse when pulling up on the pedals, (steep(ish) climbs or trying hard on the flat).

I have only recently got back into cycling after 20 year break, done about 400 miles in last 3 months. (did about 600 during July to SEptember last year)

Any ideas:
1. Cleat problem?
2. Just unfit and will strengthen?
3. General bad position?
4. Just getting older?

Thanks for any help, hoping it is an easy fix.


  • Mark Elvin
    Mark Elvin Posts: 997
    Tyr stretching post ride & see if it eases with time.
    2012 Cannondale Synapse
  • Could well be cleat position or bad position generally. I had similar down the outside of my left knee and just below but it went away almost immediately after I moved my cleats forward. I'd be vary wary of ascribing it to 2 or 4 as ignoring pain often leads to bigger problems. If cleat position change doesn't improve things swiftly, I'd definitely get this checked out.
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    So you have been doing rides around 30 miles and then did a 50 miler and the pain started after that. Sounds like too much too soon. Maybe do 35s for a while then 40s. Of course I am a complete hypocrit when it comes to this but you don't need to be like me!! Stretching is imperative but also you might be over extending on the pedal stroke if your saddle is a bit too high.
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Stop pulling up on the pedals?

    What's your cadence like? Is it possible you're using too high a gear?
  • as a rule pain in fornt of knee seat too low - pain behind seat too high.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    saddle too high - causing you to over stretch your hamstrings too far by slightly overextending your knee joint at the lowest point in each pedal stroke.

    Obviously could be anything without examining you, but that'd be my first guess.

    Remember to increase intensity by no more than 10% per week to avoid overuse injuries (possibly like this)

    PS stretching post ride is something I am still debating the scientific usefulness of. More effective (I think) is doing work to balance the strength in opposing muscle groups as far as possible / necessary.
  • stueyboy
    stueyboy Posts: 108
    As long as you don't do much stretching before you ride. I'm a runner (converting to road biking due to knee pain) and the most common cause of running injuries is stretching before a run when the muscles are cold.

    Sounds like the advice here about seat height is good as it sounds like you are getting tendon stress. I get that on long runs on my inside leg when the camber of the road is bad. Also the 10% increase is very good advice. Either that or increase distance at a slower pace.
  • as a rule pain in fornt of knee seat too low - pain behind seat too high.

    +1 Also check out I have found it invaluable for this kind of issue
  • gmacz
    gmacz Posts: 343
    Agree with seat height as that is what happens to me.
    Another one is the cleats too tight in the pedals and not enough float.
    It holds your knee in an unnatural position and causes the same pain.
  • Sorry to hijack your thread but I'm getting similar problems I'm fairly new to riding an done a few 20 mile rides an then felt good whilst on my normal ride one evening an took it up to 38 miles now since then I'm getting pain it feels like a bruise in my left knee on the inner part of my knee cap I don't ride every other week as I'm on call so it does get a rest but as soon as I jump on the bike or my turbo the pain is straight back, I done 17 miles tonight an it was painfull all the way round think I am gonna see a doctor
    Scott speedster 20 compact 2013
    Claud butler san remo 2012