Big Mig Numbers 14 years on.

rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
edited August 2012 in Pro race

So he still puts out ridiculous power.


  • Blimey, I wonder what some other old stars would do, Merckx for example?
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
  • keef_zip
    keef_zip Posts: 295

    So he still puts out ridiculous power.

    Those really aren't impressive numbers at all. A VO2Max of only 57 and a ramp test peak of 450W.....for a 92Kg 46yr old bloke. I'm a relatively OK club cyclist weighing 15Kg less and hit 440W, and with a VO2Max of 65.

    He wouldn't last long on a 2nd Cat race in the UK.
  • Vino2007
    Vino2007 Posts: 340
    Wait a few weeks and the full paper should be made available on pubmed, will be nice to see
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    keef_zip wrote:

    So he still puts out ridiculous power.

    Those really aren't impressive numbers at all. A VO2Max of only 57 and a ramp test peak of 450W.....for a 92Kg 46yr old bloke. I'm a relatively OK club cyclist weighing 15Kg less and hit 440W, and with a VO2Max of 65.

    He wouldn't last long on a 2nd Cat race in the UK.

    Sure, but you train every week right?

    Probably ride a bike most days?
  • keef_zip
    keef_zip Posts: 295
    Sure - but I'm sure Mig does too :-)

    When I was injured in 2010 and took that whole season off, I came back and did a ramp test two weeks after getting back on teh bike to see where I was. I managed 360W. Of course, Mig has more natural talent than I, but i was just highlighting that 450W, even from untrained, isn't even that good for a 92Kg rider. Wiggo, by comparison is likely up around 600W for his ramp test.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    So what pro team do you ride for?
    Nevertheless, Indurain's absolute maximal and submaximal oxygen uptake and power output values still compare favorably with those exhibited by active professional cyclists.
  • keef_zip
    keef_zip Posts: 295
    So what pro team do you ride for?
    Nevertheless, Indurain's absolute maximal and submaximal oxygen uptake and power output values still compare favorably with those exhibited by active professional cyclists.

    I don't, 'cos I'm not that good. Those numbers are certainly nowhere near "active professional cyclists" that weigh 92Kg - they might be close to pros that weigh 60Kg :-)

    Don't believe everything you read!
  • keef_zip wrote:

    So he still puts out ridiculous power.

    Those really aren't impressive numbers at all. A VO2Max of only 57 and a ramp test peak of 450W.....for a 92Kg 46yr old bloke. I'm a relatively OK club cyclist weighing 15Kg less and hit 440W, and with a VO2Max of 65.

    He wouldn't last long on a 2nd Cat race in the UK.

    If he still rides his bike even a couple of times a week I'd suggest he'd comfortably finish with those numbers. The VO2 Max in relation to his weight will be skewed as I'm sure he'd carrying a good ten kilos extra, but a VO2 in absolute terms of 5.29 l.min-1 is still very impressive. His numbers here, bar weight and VO2 in relation to body mass are almost identical to what I knocked out after over a year of being essentially a full time racing cyclist and he's had over a decade of aging and detraining!
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • keef_zip
    keef_zip Posts: 295
    5.29 is pretty good, but that doesn't get you anywhere in a race. It's the 460W ramp test, which equates to about 350W for 20 mins and about 320W for an hour. At 80Kg (being generous by giving him 12kg weigh loss) that's only 4W/Kg for an hour. Pros are up around 5.5+.

    Good numbers no doubt - but nothing like "still compare favorably with those exhibited by active professional cyclists"
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,574
    Isn't the problem with scientific work like this that they are not comparing apples with apples? He is no longer trained by Dr Ferrari.
  • keef_zip wrote:
    5.29 is pretty good, but that doesn't get you anywhere in a race. It's the 460W ramp test, which equates to about 350W for 20 mins and about 320W for an hour. At 80Kg (being generous by giving him 12kg weigh loss) that's only 4W/Kg for an hour. Pros are up around 5.5+.

    Good numbers no doubt - but nothing like "still compare favorably with those exhibited by active professional cyclists"

    He'd definitely finish a 2nd cat race though :wink:
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • keef_zip
    keef_zip Posts: 295
    Only if he wasn't taken out by a 3rd/4th cat sprinting for 25th place! :-)
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    Indurain getting asked the tough questions as usual. Never mind the brag about youngest Vuelta leader Mig. How many methods of doping did it take someone your height and weight to wins 7 Grand tours in 5 years? ... roome.aspx
  • milton50
    milton50 Posts: 3,856
    I thought VO2 Max was a genetic threshold that your born with, which barely changes at all as you train or detrain? Isn't that what LeMond has been banging on about all these years?
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    I thought Big Mig had already admitted to doping in the past although he did win races as a juniour and young rider so at least he showed some signs of being a GT contender.
  • Vino'sGhost
    Vino'sGhost Posts: 4,129
    So what pro team do you ride for?
    Nevertheless, Indurain's absolute maximal and submaximal oxygen uptake and power output values still compare favorably with those exhibited by active professional cyclists.