New bike.. first ride tomorrow

Beads Posts: 4
edited August 2012 in Road beginners

Picked up my new bike today its only a Viking sprint xrr... it has time trials kit on it too. I really like it and it rides great for a first bike.. will do me for a while so i get used to it etc.

Starting tomorrow i plan on going to work on it 24miles round trip, im pretty fit so i should(hope) ill be ok.

Does anyone else do large commutes each day on their bike?




  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Hate to say it but 24 miles round trip isn't a big commute - its more than mine though(21) so good on ya for wanting to do it :)
  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    Slowbike wrote:
    Hate to say it but 24 miles round trip isn't a big commute - its more than mine though(21) so good on ya for wanting to do it :)

    Its not a small one either though for a newb, but if your pretty fit already you should be fine.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    12 miles each way is a superb distance for commuting. Long enough to be worth doing but not so far as to make it a big effort. You should be able to knock it out in about 40 to 50 minutes, depending on how much effort you put in and how hilly it is. 12 miles though? A lot of us would kill for that distance.

    It's a bit late in the year but not so late that joining the Commuter Stats board is a complete waste. Sign up, see how you compare. Link below in sig.

    Ps - 21 each way here. A lot do a lot more a lot more often.
  • Bordersroadie
    Bordersroadie Posts: 1,052
    Well done mate, 12 miles each way is the same as my commute - it's a great distance, enough for decent training but not so long that it requires special planning or too early a morning start/late evening finish.

    Keeping a log is a good motivational tool. You'll need it gets a bit colder/wetter/darker!

    Good luck.
  • Beads
    Beads Posts: 4
    Thanks for the replys, it ended up being 15miles each way as I have to take different routes to the car... I enjoyed it lots my only problem being is my arse is soo sore found coming home I was trying to stand up all the way.. Need to invest in some comfort sort of stuff. ;)
  • gmacz
    gmacz Posts: 343
    Modern shorts with good padding is all you need.
  • lot of us would kill for that distance[/quote]

    Indeed. I used to have 17-18 each way and I used to do that anywhere between 40-50 minutes and just over an hour when traffic was bad. That was a nice ride, and the job wasn't bad either!