My first ride!

AdrianStuart Posts: 140
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Well after taking your guys advice on bikes etc I went out and bought a bike this morning.

Feeling confident I decided I would cycle up the Box Hill zigzag, part of the Olympic route. Safe to say Bradley Wiggins will not see me as a threat.

Thoroughly enjoyed it, not sure my arse did but looking forward to my ride tomorrow!!!


  • Kerguelen
    Kerguelen Posts: 248
    Well after taking your guys advice on bikes etc I went out and bought a bike this morning.

    Feeling confident I decided I would cycle up the Box Hill zigzag, part of the Olympic route. Safe to say Bradley Wiggins will not see me as a threat.

    Thoroughly enjoyed it, not sure my ars* did but looking forward to my ride tomorrow!!!

    Well done matey, the 1st time I went out after a long tie off the bike I did 7 miles and then collapsed into bed!

    Doing a lot better now (probably).
  • Well done. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    An unfortunate problem is that a good ride today may preclude a good ride tomorrow - some beginners have a good first run and don't expect the jelly legs of the next day - but cycling is best enjoyed under momentum. I've enjoyed cycling most when I've been able to do it regularly, which is what makes cycle commutes of at least 10 miles each way so good...

    Also, climbing is a matter of practice, mainly. Focus on spinning fast (which will become easier) in a low(er) gear, maintaining momentum, rather than grinding up in a high one. I can't recommend it as the most leisurely form of cycling there ever was, but doing reps of a steep hill is a really good cycling workout, particularly if you don't have much time or opportunity for cycling (which I currently don't).

    But keep up the good work, and the disease is incurable (thought you ought to know). Your backside will become more tolerant to the abuse, but if you still experience discomfort after a month or so of regular riding there's no shame in considering a new saddle. Stock saddles can be absolutely fine but price doesn't come into it; we are all different shapes. Have you bought any cycling shorts yet? I recommend that you do. Saddle sore is not to be messed with.