First sportive, what do,I need

boogi11 Posts: 354
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Hi all, I am doing my first sportive, 100miles, what do I need in the way of food, and drink, and what is a good food to eat the day before and the morning of the event. Also what can I expect, I fear there may be 500 riders on top spec bikes leaving me for dead, I hope there are some people on old mountain bikes plodding around and 10 mph. Cheers guys


  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    Only you can know what you need to fuel 100 mile rides.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    edited August 2012
    Most on here recommend Pasta the night before and Porridge for breakfast. But it's up to you, you want slow releasing carbs. I don't like Porridge so I had Fruit and Nut Oat Granola before my 100mile sportive.

    On the ride I just wanted convenience, so I took 6 energy gels. The sportive will have at least 2 foods stops where they should have cakes and energy bars available for you for free (well as part of the entry feel anyway).

    You also need to think of hydration, 2 x 750ml bottles of water, squash or energy drink (flat). The food stops will have water and energy tabs or powder to give you a refil.

    You will want food when you finish as well, I took fig biscuits and a banana and left them in the car.
  • crescent
    crescent Posts: 1,201
    In my very limited experience I would say, set yourself a target, work out your average speed required and aim for that. I did the Etape Caledonia earlier this year and, to be perfectly honest, bottled it in the first 20 miles or so. I set off too quickly, tried to stay with riders who were quite a bit faster than me and then started panicking when I couldn't keep up with them. I also overdressed and overheated about 10 miles in meaning I had to stop and remove some layers and regroup somewhat. With hindsight, I really should have stuck to my own personal target and taken time to enjoy the day more instead of putting myself under unnecessary pressure. Unless you are aiming to win it there will always be riders faster and slower than you, just enjoy the day.

    Bianchi ImpulsoBMC Teammachine SLR02 01Trek Domane AL3“When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. “ ~H.G. Wells Edit - "Unless it's a BMX"
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Repeat after me... A sportive is not a race. What isn't a sportive? ;-)
  • essjaydee
    essjaydee Posts: 917
    Agree with a good hearty pasta meal night before, and porridge with honey for brekkie, if you like porridge that is.

    Assuming it has a couple of food stops, then just take a couple of energy bars and gels, but stick to the one's you usually use, assuming you have used these before. I had pretty bad stomach cramps after a hilly 75 mile sportive because it was the first time I had tried a different energy powder/drink mix, and I think I overdid it on the energy bars too!

    Take a banana to eat in the first hour, and make some post ride food and drink for when you finish. Chocolate milkshake for recovery drink seems to be fairly popular too.