what bike?

baxter167 Posts: 3
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Hi guys my first post so hello All,I'm new to cycling i have done a wee bit of work on a turbo-trainer just a few sessions not much,anyway i've been out 4 times now(on the road)on my gt mountainbike, my last ride was 15.5 miles at an average of 14.9 mph and was wondering what the conversion of this would be if i was on a road bike and also whether i should go for a specialized allez or go for a cheaper bike to start of,oh by the way i'm 44 used to be fit and would like to lose 2 stones over a period of time, this is why i'm cycling and obviously i 'm loving it so far,anyway any advice for me would be great so thanks,oh yes i'm going out for a 20 tonight and going to take it a wee bit easier than my 15 which is i hope the right way to go about it until i strenghthen up a bit,cheers.


  • Get a cheaper road bike and kit yourself out with all of the essentials you'll need. See the other threads on this subject before I regurgitate the same stuff here. :D

    Don't be tempted to think that you're losing out by getting a cheaper bike. When you need the things that a more expensive bike has, you will know about it. Cyclists these days are incredibly spoiled these days as it is; what you can get on a budget these days would have been unthinkable even 20 years ago, and the entry-level alloy racer you can buy for £1000 or so is likely to be lighter than the bike that Stephen Roche rode to victory in the Tour, and that was only 1987. He didn't have the clipless pedals, STI levers or 10-11 speed cassettes and other luxuries that we take for granted these days either!
  • Thanks for the reply,what you say makes a lot of sense especialy as i'm 14 stone and need to loose a couple of stone,dont think a bike that costs 1500 that ways 5 or 6 lbs less than a 400 quid bike will make much difference to me and anyway surely if the bikes a wee bit heavier i will be using more energy thus losing more weight and if i suppose in a years time i have lost the weight then i suppose i could move up a notch,cheers thanks for the thought line.