How long should you rest for?

kojomojo Posts: 12
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Having had my bike for about 5 weeks now and having been on it pretty much none-stop (summer holiday boredom cure) I was wondering how much rest I should give my legs.
I've been giving my legs a day or twos rest now and again however I'm not sure I'm giving them enough rest.

Should I rest my legs my legs enough so that they don't hurt or should I give them a day or two's rest then go out on a ride anyway?


  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Listen to your body
  • k3vinjam3s
    k3vinjam3s Posts: 266
    Only you will truely know if your good to ride or not. The body adapts to what you throw at it. Just try mixing it up a bit and doing different rides on different days. I'll do a big ride midweek and on the weekend then if I'm feeling fresh on days in between ill add a few miles to my commute and "sprint" home. Another aspect is diet also, as I weight train aswell I've found if my food intake is low I don't tend to recover both from cycling and weight training.