Under Pressure

MrT Posts: 260
edited August 2012 in Pro race
Slightly amazed tonight that one of the reasons, if not the main one, Addlington gave for getting bronze was the burden of expectation and pressure she felt under. Compare that to VP's performance tonight following DQ yesterday. I thought CB and Forster made some good comments afterwards.....but clearly got roasted by BBC as numerous apologies later. Even Jonathan Edwards mentioned just far the cyclists were ahead compared to all other sports in Britain!


  • yorkshireraw
    yorkshireraw Posts: 1,632
    congrats on her medal but her whole speech was bollocks. Swimming medals the hardest to win and 'different to any other sport' apparently. Only when they start doing the 250km Road Race backwards, sidewards and in 4 different styles, maybe.... pointless comment, all sports are different, she's just opened it up for ridicule saying that.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    I think she has a point about swimming, the competition is immense although it's the same for athletics where we do crap as well. What was disappointing was that she was so far behind her own world record and she blamed it on pressure and expectation which was a poor excuse, it is supposed to be an advantage being at home.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    If she knows that she did the very best she could do on the day, then why does she have to justify herself to anyone? F*ck everyone else - let the critics get their budgie smugglers on and see if they can do any better!
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    Jesus, give her a break. She's obviously gutted to have let us all down.

    To be honest, I prefer her reaction to all the other chronically under performing swimmers who've all said, 'yeah, the crowd were great, I've had a brilliant time, can't wait until Rio'

    Seems like it's all a big Joly to some of them - and they appear to have forgotten about the millions of pounds of funding they've had, for no results.
  • In the unlikely event that Rebecca Adlington reads this or gives a toss, I don't feel let down.

    I'd rather athletes competed for themselves than some nebulous concept of an "us" that give a toss about what they do for about 10 minutes every couple of years and never bother to compete at anything themselves and experience failing in a goal.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"
