I want to see Wiggo try for the 1 hour WR.

NITR8s Posts: 688
edited August 2012 in The cake stop
So yesterday Wiggins averaged 53.3kmh over 28 miles, as you know Boardman currently holds the one hour record of 56.375kmh. Now I am not saying that wiggins could beat that but I think he would hold an excellent chance of beating the World record.

Has anyone else considered this or am I just going mad on Wiggo mania.(Checks his sideburns in the mirror, and looks at his Pinarello in his living room one more time).


  • vitesse169
    vitesse169 Posts: 422
    ...wasn't it a Spaniard who took Boardmans record 3 or 4 years ago...?

    edit - but yes, it would be worth seeing Brad take on that challenge. He would have a better than even chance of taking it...
  • NITR8s
    NITR8s Posts: 688
    Apologies there are two records one for standard road bike 49.7Km (held by a Czech, who was banned due to substance abuse) and one for an aero 56.375km (Still held by boardman), I was refering to the aero one.

    Either one, I bet wiggins would be in for a shout.