Cycling Europe

jordanuk223 Posts: 6
edited August 2012 in Tour & expedition
I am planning an ambitious cycle tour of Europe to take place in the next year or two, starting in Paris and working my way through Switzerland, Lichenstein, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro and into Albania. If any one has done as similar cross-continent route and has any advice to give it would be much appreciated. I am looking to do it in anything from 5-12 weeks depending in how the legs (and training!) go.

In particular, any country-specific advice would be useful, for example information on camping in the wild, safe routes, what to take (and what not to), any country-specific dangers etc. In Bosnia, for example, I am not sure what the situation is with landmines still in the country. Any info or pointing to resources (websites, maps etc.) that others have used would be hugely appreciated.


  • lc1981
    lc1981 Posts: 820
    You might be interested in this. As for landmines in Bosnia, they're only found off road (obviously) and the areas where they are to be found are well marked.
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    I think you're asking too much in one go for anyone to answer in any detail, but what it's worth:
    - Liechenstein is too boring and busy on most of its through-roads to make a special trip there
    - the coast road in Slovenia and Croatia can be very busy and as there aren't really any parallel roads in the interior, it's better to island-hop down the Dalmatian coast - which itself can be very pleasurable, but will add to your time
    - many smaller roads in Albania aren't paved and on top of that get easily flooded, so become mud. And the way Albanian drivers behave, the main surfaced roads are risky for motorists, nevermind cyclists.

    As well as perusing Internet to see if you can find websites like lc1981 recommends, perhaps contact the CTC. It used to have fact sheets for different lands.