Great find on youtube

richardjiles Posts: 137
edited August 2012 in MTB general
Wow, this MTB film is amazing, was just browsing on youtube and found it, its 47 mins long.
Definetly worth a watch if you love mountain biking, it also makes you look back on your past.


  • Bigchris
    Bigchris Posts: 131
    Good movie that.

    I found a mint one the other day.."locals 2". Stick that in YouTube and comes up straight away. Sorry not 100% sure how you embed?
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    A) I bought it, and it was rubbish. Load of absolute twaddle.
    B) It's rubbish.
  • Bigchris
    Bigchris Posts: 131
    Give us your suggestion then bennett.

    I wouldn't mind seeing "where the trail ends" looks like a thrilling, epic, assault on the senses haha
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    Suggestions for what?
  • Just watched it. Great locations/riders and amazing production values and EPIC camera work. maybe a bit "style over substance" imho. Don't think i would have bought it BUT it was well worth the time to watch it. Cheers for pointing it out :D.

  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    Forgetting all the extra stuff like music and "camera angles" and blah blah, the actual riding, which is what you watch it for, was no more exciting than anything i could watch on youtube for free, which is sadly the case with a lot of mtb films these days.
  • I agree i haven't really found many MTB "bought" films i could even sit through :lol:. This was "ok" i doubt i would watch it again imho but found the production good enough to keep me interested. Great stuff on YouTube and as you said puts MOST commercial stuff to shame.

    They should give some of those guys the budget that life cycles had.

  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    I'd go as far as saying all the fancy camera work and stuff ruined it for me.

    If it had no music, no stupid hippie voice over, no gimmicky camera effects and no fake added sound effects i could happily sit through the whole thing just enjoying watching the sights and sounds of actual riding, without being polluted by the crap that got added to it.
  • mrmonkfinger
    mrmonkfinger Posts: 1,452
    was no more exciting than anything i could watch on youtube for free, which is sadly the case with a lot of mtb films these days.

    we are watching it on youtube?
  • Bigchris
    Bigchris Posts: 131
    I was just curious of what films you enjoy, might be something I haven't seen.

    It seems most bike films are made by media enthusiasts than bike enthusiasts.i do like the films which are more like documentary/biking, when they give you insights into the background and such.
  • I agree with you on the "hippy voice over" LMAO! Guy needs to get over the Chopper and move on :lol:. And i guess the factories used to make these shiny two wheeled things we love pollute the environment so can't really take the highroad just because it's a bicycle imho. As mentioned was free on YouTube so didn't waste anything. Passed a boring bit of the day :D.

  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    I will watch it later.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • I bought it, and watched it. And loved it.
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    I watched it - great cinematography, good sequences, great riding - narration a bit annoying but no worse than Roam.

    For a free watch I give it an 8 - if I'd had to pay maybe a 6.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.