Photos from yesterday's Olypics road race

AdrianHix Posts: 24
edited August 2012 in Pro race
Some photos from yesterday's Race. What do you all think?
Album here


  • AdrianHix
    AdrianHix Posts: 24
    cheers dude
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    Who is the Slovenian (?) rider in your third photo? the one to the outside of the course.
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    Also Adrian what settings was your camera on (speed etc)?
  • AdrianHix
    AdrianHix Posts: 24
    Slovenian, unsure. I was looking through the viewfinder most of the time so missed most of the cycling.
    Shutter was generally around ~1/250th aperture ~f4-8 thought the light was changable. Some used various ratios of fill flash, though sadly I forgot to use rear curtain sync
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    AdrianHix wrote:
    Slovenian, unsure. I was looking through the viewfinder most of the time so missed most of the cycling.
    Shutter was generally around ~1/250th aperture ~f4-8 thought the light was changable. Some used various ratios of fill flash, though sadly I forgot to use rear curtain sync

    ok thanks, i am only just discovering the manual settings on my camera really. i think i had the best with the shutter at 500 and aperture around f5 or so but couldn't get the flash to come on cos it was really light. nice shots of yours, the one of Eisel and the one with the norweigan on the colnago are my favourites i think.
  • AdrianHix
    AdrianHix Posts: 24
    You should be able to set fill flash manually. There are some really good sites out there. is a god one for creative flash ideas. Keep playing around with settings and you'll get there
  • MrTapir
    MrTapir Posts: 1,206
    Yes i think i probably can just havent worked it out yet. I took some decent photos with flash at the Tour Series in june, it was a bit overcast so worked really well.
  • kim10
    kim10 Posts: 186
    Great shots, thanks for sharing
  • iGqt3.jpg
    This one has grown on me
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Decent photos. Can't appreciate them nearly enough with the copyright watermark!
    Contador is the Greatest
  • IT66T
    IT66T Posts: 377
    I'm loving the pics but i just wish i could of been at TT event to see it for real :( .
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