So trying out my local club ride on Sunday.

Posts: 688
As per the title I am going to try out my local club, Somerset Road Club on Sunday. Decided I will start with the bottom group as dont want to be embarrassed or pee any one off.
Spoke to club member last night who organises the bottom group and he is 82 years old, which is amazing.
Obviously I am not going to try and be cocky and will listen to the guys to pick up their tips etc, but does anyone have any advice as I have never riden with a club as only started riding in March.
Spoke to club member last night who organises the bottom group and he is 82 years old, which is amazing.
Obviously I am not going to try and be cocky and will listen to the guys to pick up their tips etc, but does anyone have any advice as I have never riden with a club as only started riding in March.
At 82 he probably won't have much of a sprint, it tends to decline more than endurance, so you can probably safely sit on him until near the finish and then sprint around him at the last minute. HTHJibbering Sports Stuff:
Ask for advice on the day about hand signals/ shouts at junctions etc, it differs from club to club. Clubs liek you to ride 2 abreast so its no different than cycling with a mate so dont be afraid to fill any gaps that appear. On any hills dont feel you have to hold your place in a group, if you can go ahead then go ahead, going slow because you feel you must is a bit dangerous. And even though it'll be a starter group dont be afraid if its too fast to ask for it to slow down - and do take money for the cake stops - and above all enjoy enjoy enjoy...and do report back.The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.0 -
Be a good idea to ask one of them at ruffly which point does the singing start. Its a big no no to not get invloved so best to go over the song in your head before they start. Apart from that just enjoy youself and remember to wear a triathlon type vest as its your first ride out with them.0
Im tempted to come go with Somerset RC this weekend too, I'm a member of a club at uni and really miss going on club rides and having others to train with.0
Just smile, be friendly and if someone suggests you do something then (unless you're going to break you or your bike) then try and do it ...
Unless you're confident with group riding I wouldn't try and mimic their handsignals - better to stay upright I think!
If they're rotating through then make sure you take your turn at the front - it's not that difficult unless the twot next to you ups the pace ...0 -
Cheers guys, I will report back on Monday to let you know how it goes.0
So went along to local club Saturday just gone, everyone seemed friendly and was even asked to join the main group initially but decliened and decieded to go out with the older guys. The pace started off slow but after about 10 miles they picked it up and were averaging about 17-18mph on the flats. We done about 30 miles and at the cafe stop, they suggest I was strong enough to go out with the main group next time. They said they were taking it easy as they done a long ride the day before.
All in all, I would say a decent first club ride and will be trying out the faster group this coming Saturday. The only thing is these guys go out most days and it would seem that I can keep the pace but I doubt I could do it day in and day out as I can still feel my legs from Saturday.0 -