Back Pain Help?

PimpMyBike Posts: 50
edited July 2012 in Road beginners
Hello fellow forumers! Im looking for some help :

Whenever I ride I get pain in my lower back , even if i am not doing long rides ( Long rides for me are about 20/30miles :lol: ) and sometimes , the pain can carry on after I've finished riding . Tonight it's been about 4 hours so far of pain .

Do you just adjust to the pain eventually or is it something else ?


  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    If ths sort of thing persists see an osteopath.

    I didn't and eventually ended up with a badly ruptured disc. You don't want to go there.
  • mrwibble
    mrwibble Posts: 980
    try glute squeezes, 10 secs, 10 times a day. glute stretches and piroformis stretches are good. mens glutes are very lazy and do not fire, the squeezes will train them again. if you glutes dont fire, your quads and lower back do all the work of the glutes which can lead to back trouble. i've been there with this, it is not an overnight fix but the advice i have give will help and yes see an osteo or a sport physio for deep tissue massage

    good luck
  • bossman13
    bossman13 Posts: 106
    try sitting on a tennis ball. seriously get a decent ball that wont just squash up and sit on it on hard floor moving the ball to different parts of your glutes every 10-20 secs or so. really good and easy alternative to a deep massage. put all your weight on it if you can.

    my physio gave me this tip and i use it whenever my back is sore and works well for me as releases all the tension in glutes. if it really hurts then you are doing it right!!
  • Back pain trouble for me was fixed by changing the tilt of the saddle.

  • jonny_trousers
    jonny_trousers Posts: 3,588
    Try lowering your saddle a touch.