Fat but Fit!?



  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Exactly. But actual fat % is very hard/expensive to measure.

    No its not.

    Look in the mirror. Can you see any sign of your abs?

    If so you're healthy.

    If not you're fat.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    styxd wrote:
    Exactly. But actual fat % is very hard/expensive to measure.

    No its not.

    Look in the mirror. Can you see any sign of your abs?

    If so you're healthy.

    If not you're fat.
    Don't be so simplistic. I can see the sign of some of my abs, but I also have love handles.
    5'10" and 15 stone is not healthy, and I'm not pretending it it. I want to get down to about 13 stone.
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    I can see the sign of some of my abs, but I also have love handles.
    5'10" and 15 stone.

    They must be big handles! :D
    want to get down to about 13 stone

    Go for it. Although I would have thought 10 - 11 stone would be a better "cycling" weight for someone who is 5'10"

    I dont think you'll have to many issues getting rid of 2 stone though. Probably do it in a couple of months if you wanted to. Good luck anyway.
  • mcnultycop
    mcnultycop Posts: 2,143
    One 80 wrote:
    on the road a fatter person will always beat the skinny guy down hill. and i dont mean a short hill im talking a hill of some distance where the weight has time to build up momentum.provided the skinny guy doesnt pedal,lol

    drop a fat guy out of a plane and a skinny guy and the fat guy will hit the floor first. im no scientist though and im not prepared to verify this test.
  • mintedox
    mintedox Posts: 273
    I am 5'10" and 10.5 stone and feel way to skinny, 12 stone would be good I'd say.
    Papa? Nicole
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    styxd wrote:
    want to get down to about 13 stone
    Go for it. Although I would have thought 10 - 11 stone would be a better "cycling" weight for someone who is 5'10"
    Er, I am. I'm not exactly inactive. I tend to do at least 80 miles on the bike per week, plus some running, hiking, weights.
    The reason I'm aiming for 13 is that at about 14 stone I look fairly lean. 13 should be ideal - I'm a very heavy build, getting down to 11 stone would result in me looking immaciated.
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    One 80 wrote:

    King of the Mountains or just a Mountain?
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    I saw Wiggo talking about slimming down to 80kg which is circa 11.5 stone for the tour and distance riding - he's 6ft 3 - his BMI (22.0) is bang in the middle of normal with those measurements and he is a pro athlete - doesnt give the rest of us much hope does it!

    My BMI comes out at 24.9 which is the very top of normal range - I could lose a bit of weight but to get a 22.0 I'd have to lose 17-18 lbs and there is no way I am over a stone overweight - half a stone maybe. I have a broad chest (genetic), beefy legs (from skiing and biking) and a beer belly from......beer. I can only lose one of those things without major surgery (if I have both hands removed I might reduce my beer intake).
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Wiggo looks malnourished to me though. He's definitely not broad, or muscular at all.
  • Bigchris
    Bigchris Posts: 131
    You can be fat and fit, thin fit and unhealthy, thin unfit healthy, but you can not be fat and healthy.

    I suppose it depends what you define "fit" as.
  • giantAstax
    giantAstax Posts: 55
    Fitness has nothing to do with your weight. Wiggo and others keep their body weights as low as possible to get maximimum power to weight which makes them faster over any given distance and improves their climbing and sprinting. Sometimes they will sacrifice lower weight by putting on extra muscle for strength as he suggested he has done to improve his climbing.

    I've a condition that makes weight control difficult which I've had all my adult life. My endocrinologist and my doctor says BMI Is next to useless as a measure of healthy weight as it doesn't take account of morphology nor body composition. We're focusing on body fat, distribution of body fat and muscle mass. The medical profession is moving away from BMI as a measure of acceptable weight

    My PT is focussing on improving my strength, power and overall fitness which I have done though I've a way to go to get to my goal which will be at least 7 ibs above the max acceptable weight for my height according to BMI figures.

    It's pretty obvious that more weight on a bike will likely slow you downs specially up hills. I do however know some overweight yet very fit mtbers who climb well and are pretty fit. They have pretty good power to weight ratio though would no doubt climb faster if they lost weight.

    It's a fact that extreme ends of the body weight spectrum can have a dramatic negative affect on health and that not all naturally thin people are that healthy nor fit.
  • S-M
    S-M Posts: 174
    I am down to 17 stone now (from 21) about 6 foot to 6 foot 1 in height.

    I still have a belly on me :lol: but my fitness seams a hell of a lot better than most of the folks in my local MTB club, we did a club ride last sunday and i was consistently up the front for the majority of it, waiting at the top of the climbs for the slower folk, i do struggle on the uphills, some of the racing snakes in the group overtook me a few times, i`m simply carrying more waste beef up the hill, i also noticed that once up the hill, my breathing seams to return back to normal a lot faster than the slower skinny folk.

    I have been riding with this club since the start of the year, and got myself back into MTB after a 16 year break at the start of 2011, these lads have been doing it for years, what i have been doing though is really pushing myself, around april this year i started riding my bike to work, usually only when the weather is decent, but i also started doing it after i had a takeaway the previous evening :D its a 20 mile round trip, it hurt like hell for about a month, but now its easy :P

    IIRC junes total mileage on endomondo was 450 miles, a decent amount for a fatty, it has helped me LOADS.

    Not done a sunday ride with the club for a few months, so last sunday was a real eye opener, the fella leading the ride even comentated on far i have come as i was chatting to him while cracking on down the trail, we had to stop though because we cracked on a bit too much and lost the rest of the group :D

    Built up the new bike last friday, done 27 miles as a test run offroad, did 32 the following day on road, and a further 23 the day after that with the club, had to take yesterday off as i was waiting in all day for contracters to arrive at home, but i will be out later on once i have had some breakfast, must not waste this 2 week holiday doing feck all in the house :D
    1999 Specialized FSR Elite MAX Backbone.
    1998 Specialized FSR Ground Control - stripped for parts.
    2011 Boardman Pro HT - SOLD! (low quality, expensive garbage)
  • mrmonkfinger
    mrmonkfinger Posts: 1,452
    I saw Wiggo talking about slimming down to 80kg

    That would be his track days.

    google "bradley wiggins weight" = 152.1 lbs (69 kg)
  • sandy771
    sandy771 Posts: 368
    styxd wrote:
    Go for it. Although I would have thought 10 - 11 stone would be a better "cycling" weight for someone who is 5'10"

    daft comment - I am 16 st 5 and am aiming for 13st, any less than that (and as ex forces aircrew I have been a lot lighter) and I would have to chop a leg off. I have a lot of fat under this lardy top half, Frinstance my thighs and calfs (no fat that you can get hold of) are 24.5 and 18.5 inches.
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    daft comment

    Whys that?
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    styxd wrote:
    daft comment

    Whys that?
    Because it's rather too generic, and doesn't take muscle mass, or a person's build into account.
    People vary from being very very slight, to musclebound monsters.
    Wasn't Mike Tyson something like 18-20 stone, and only had 1 or 2% bodyfat?
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    But he was a rapist not a cyclist. They are different.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

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  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Bigchris wrote:
    but you can not be fat and healthy.

    I'd disagree with that but you'd have to define what 'fat' was.

    All animals will store energy in fat for times when needed. In winter when they are 'fatter' than summer are you saying they are unhealthy?
  • mcnultycop
    mcnultycop Posts: 2,143
    I'm fat (116kg), a lot less fat than I was (151kg+, when I actually started measuring it) and I'm working on the fitness. I'm not fit though, I'm carrying 28% body fat so I simply cannot be classified as fit. I can do OK on the bike, quite capable of knocking out 30km+ off road, but I'd do better if I was lighter. I'm aiming to get to 100kg (I do weights, more so than MTB, so I'm always going to be carrying muscle, so 100kg is good), and that means I'll be lugging nearly 14% less weight uphill than I am at the moment. Even with the same level cardio fitness as I have now, that will make a massive difference.

    Yes, there may be fat blokes like me lugging themselves round trail centres, but they can't be classified as fit. They are just good at getting round on the bike.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Bigchris wrote:
    but you can not be fat and healthy.

    I'd disagree with that but you'd have to define what 'fat' was.
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    styxd wrote:
    Exactly. But actual fat % is very hard/expensive to measure.

    No its not.

    Look in the mirror. Can you see any sign of your abs?

    If so you're healthy.

    If not you're fat.
    Don't be so simplistic. I can see the sign of some of my abs, but I also have love handles.
    5'10" and 15 stone is not healthy, and I'm not pretending it it. I want to get down to about 13 stone.

    go to india, A good dose of the squirts can manage that in a few days :p
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    My mate is medically obese but his blood pressure & cholesterol levels are normal. He is also strong (something to do with having to move all that weight around lol *ahem*), determined and has great MTB skills

    He'll never win an XC race but he doesn't hang about either
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    edited July 2012
    Bigchris wrote:
    You can be fat and fit, thin fit and unhealthy, thin unfit healthy, but you can not be fat and healthy.

    I suppose it depends what you define "fit" as.
    Depends what you define "fat" as, as well. I'm not exactly skinny, but I'm fit enough, and I'm not unhealthy.
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5
  • mintedox
    mintedox Posts: 273
    So you are unhealthy?
    Papa? Nicole
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Not not.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    It seems a few people here only see it as "fat" or "not fat".
    You can be underweight, overweight, or neither.
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    Me: 5'10" and 16st
    Mate: 5'10" and about 12 stone and about 10 years younger than me

    Me: ride to work a couple of time a week, crap diet.
    Mate: always at the gym or doing martail arts and watches what he eats.

    We went for a ride round Kielder at the weekend where there are lots of big hills and I had to wait for him all the time, going down the hills, again I had to wait for him at the bottom all the time. I genuinly could have got round there twice in the same time if I wasn't waiting for him all the time. At the end he was knackered and I had done a lot of resting on the way so I was fine.

    I know I'm fat and I don't claim to be very fit but just saying this has nothing to do with how fast you can get round the trail. I have a better type of fitness and more skill on the bike (he's been riding red and black trails with me for the last couple of years), but I'd still say he's in much better shape than I am. Even though I was much faster than him I could still do with losing a few (lots of) pounds.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    Oodboo's got a good point. I went mountain biking with a friend of mine last year who's new to MTBing, but is a keen runner.
    Now, there's no doubt that he's far fitter than me, generally speaking. He's in much better shape, and barely gets out of breath when running 10K. But on the bike, he was struggling. I swear, sheepsteeth (no offence meant to him, just that he's a BIG fella) would have probably left him standing.
    Is he healthier than me? Most definitely. Fitter? Hmm, hard to quantify, actually.
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    mintedox wrote:
    So you are unhealthy?
    Oops, typo. I'm not unhealthy. That said, I'm 12st at 6ft1, judging by what some of you on here have said, I'm skinnier than I think!

    I know what you're saying though yeehaa, cycling fitness is different to running fitness, I guess you're using different muscles, and if you're not used to using those muscles in that way for an extended period of time, then you won't be very good at it. I'm shite at running, but then again I hate it, so I don't bother! :lol:
    I've gone riding with people who are pretty fit, but they don't cycle regularly and I've left them for dead.
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I'm a very odd shape, the classic 'beer gut' - have very thin arms and legs with no fat on them, then this big spare tyre. 6ft, 12 stone 10 at the minute, 20% body fat by mass.