Wig Blog

ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
edited July 2012 in Pro race
Just in case the link hasn't been posted - the Wigs words from the Guardian today

Someone on Thursday had the cheek to ask if this Tour would be remembered for Frank Schleck testing positive, Rémy di Gregorio being arrested and Alberto Contador not being there. That's the point when you realise that for some people whatever you may do it won't be good enough.

BB's a cycling journo?

I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.



  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Yorkshire accent?
  • ratsbeyfus
    ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
    Eebahgum! He aint gonna like Fotheringham's article... 'ecky thump!

    Some observers believe, not without good reason, there is another factor beside sheer hard work that may have helped Wiggins. The creation of a more level playing field due to improved drug testing and the UCI's ban on needles has favoured Wiggins, who is adamant that he will never use drugs. The opposition may well have struggled to come to terms with the new state of affairs. "His strike rate this year is incredible and that's a good sign," said his former madison partner Rob Hayles. Wiggins's former coach Simon Jones recalled how they would both puzzle at time trials where Wiggins's power output would suggest he should have won. No longer.

    There is another thesis that perhaps should do the rounds. When a former Grand Tour winner feels he has no option but to seek time trial advice in Britain – as I have been told is the case – that says there must be a lack of expertise in professional cycling's traditional nations.

    It could also be suggested that an over-reliance on needles and potions over the years have had two effects: technical expertise has been replaced by doctors and soigneurs, and that in turn has created a "technology gap", which the British – having explored every legal area of performance in the past 15 years – are perfectly placed to fill.

    Vive La Revolution!

    I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.
